If you don''t want to

If you don''t want to
If you don''t want to work,

you have to work to earn enough money so that you

won''t have to work.
- Ogden Nash

Jun, 10 2010     119 chars (1 sms)     2300 views       Quatations

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When Prepare To
Travel Lay Out
All Your Clothes
All Your Money,
Half The Clothes
Twice The Money ...

[ Susan Heller ]
"First We Make Our Attitude


Our Attitude Make Us..."

~.~ Denis Waitley ~.~
An Excellent Quote:

I Believe In Love

At First Sight!!


I Have Loved My

Mother Ever

Since I Opened My Eyes...
"Where"er a noble deed is wrought,
Where"er is spoken a noble thought,
Our hearts in glad surprise
To higher levels rise."
-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807-1882)
"My heart leaps up when I behold a rainbow in the sky."
-William Wordsworth (1770-1850)
If U Pick Up A Starving Dog And Make It Prosperous,It Will Not Bite You.

That Is Da Principal Difference Between A Man And A Dog.

Mark Twain
" Do Or Die " Is An Old Concept..

" Do It Before You Die "

Is A New Concept.!
I want each of everyone who believe in God to be holy because Leviticus 19:1-2 say we should be holy because the Lord we serve is Holy.Amen
"The clearest way into the universe
is through a forest wilderness."
-John Muir (1838-1914)
An Amazing QuOte:

sOmetimes in LIFE its difficult tO decide whats wrOng!!

A LIE that brings a SMILE Or the TRUTH that brings a TEAR
Whenever I have knocked, a door has opened. Wherever I have wandered, a path has appeared. I have been helped, supported, encouraged and nurtured by people of all races, creeds, colors and dreams.
"They are alive and well somewhere,
the smallest sprout shows there is really no death..."
-George Washington Carver (1864-1943)