At times one loses

At times one loses
At times one loses everything, it only means that things shall recommence shortly with more life, more love, more devotion, more intensity, with more hope . . .
Hope of a new tomorrow to fill the pits created by yesterday.

Gud Morning


Have A Blessed Life

Jun, 08 2010     269 chars (2 sms)     1832 views       Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

See outside the Window,
Sun rising for U, Flowers smiling for U,
Birds Singing for U, B"coz last night
I told them to wish U G@@D Morning.
I woke up a few hours ago,but somehow I feel incomplete till I
remembered I haven"t texted you yet. Have a Pleasant Morning
Little Keys Open
Big Locks
Simple Words Reflect
Great Thought
Your Smile Can Cure
Heart Blocks
So Keep On Smiling
It Rocks \oo/

Good Morning (:
I WISH 4 U...Great start 4 Monday...No obstacles 4 Tuesday...
No stress 4 Wednesday...No worry 4 Thursday...Smile 4
Friday...Party 4 Saturday & great fun 4 Sunday...
Have a nice weekend (GUD MORNING)
V r nt strong n powerful evryday
th8 V weep if need b
2 feel d luv n blosoming of a flower th8 was 1nce a seed
& yes reborn
if need b

Good a.m (=
(Aslam o Alikum),/,/,/,/,/"\,\,\,\,\,\

+* A *+
* NICE *
*+ Day *+ :-)
"GooD MorininG"
Morning is not only a surprise but a beautiful miracle of God that defeats the darkness and spreads the light. May this be a beautiful day. Gud Morning.
Life never seems to be the way we want it,
but we live it the best way we can.There is no
perfect life, but we can fill it with perfect
Moments...Good morning!
A New Day Beginning Is Perhapes d Best Time 2 Say
It''s So Nice To Know U
Here''s Wishing Our Friendship
Continues 2 Grow In Every Dayz To Come

Good Morning ...
Sometimes Road Traveled

Turns Out To Be More

Beautiful Then

Destination Reached

Enjoy Leading Ur Life

No Matter What It Turns Out To be

Good Morning ... :)
On The Canvas Of Life . . .

We Often Go Of Colour . . .


As Long As

People Like U There To Add The Right Shades

Life Goes On To Be A


Gud Morning


Blessed Day . . . =)
New day new blessing.Don''t let yesterday''s failures ruin the beauty of today,b''coz each day has its own promise of love,joy,forgiveness.....
Good Morning...