he send us sunrise in the morning. he listens 2 u when u talk.
he could live anywhere in the world , yet he choses to live in
your HEART. face it GOD is IN LOVE WITH U. good mornning!!!!!!!!!!
Phoolon ne Amrit ka jaam bheja hai, Sooraj ne gagan se Salam
bheja hai, Mubarak ho Aapko nayi subhah, Tahe-Dil se Humne
ye Paigaam bheja hai Good Morning
When Situation Get U Down Remember
There’s Someone In Heaven Who Loves U & Watches Over U
There’s Someone On Earth Who Cares For U . . .
Take Care
Good Morning
Learn to get in touch wid Silence
within yourself,
and know that everything in dis lye has purpose. There r no mistakes,
no coincidences,
all events r blessings given
to us to learn from...