Each Tear Drop Fall With Sorrow

Each Tear Drop Fall With Sorrow
Each Tear Drop

Fall With Sorrow

Hoping , Wanting

A Better Tommorow ... =)

Gud Morning


Have A Nice day A Head

Jun, 07 2010     131 chars (1 sms)     2461 views       Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Little keys can open big locks...

simple words can express great thoughts...

hope my sweet wishes can make your day lighter and smiling.

Good Morning
I sent angels to your bed to wake you up and I asked them to surround your heart with LOVE, touch your face with a ROSE, kiss your head and wish you a very GOOD MORNING........
Silence is the best way to keep away from problems. Smile
is a powerful tool to avoid many problems. So have a silent
smile always..Good Morning
I made a cup (
of coffee ))
specially _((_
for u. d__l
There is no Sugar,
but don"t worry,
the sender is Sweet







Kia ? ab kia subha ka nashta bhi dy kar jaon , bas keh diya na

GoOd MoRnInG
Words Spoken By Sum1 Sumtymz
Leads You To Different Skies Filled
Wid Delinquency Of Those
Moments Which Can B Cherished
Even In Desolation Of Life n Make
You Believe Those Moments
Would Return
1ce Again 2 Adore
To Fill Your Life Wid Colors Of Rainbow

G o_O d
M o R n I n G

Have A Worry Free Sunday (=


Very Good

Just Taught U How To
Smile Wide
Now Go & Brush Your
Teeth ;->

Good Morning
It is a
''''M''''ind touching
''''L''''ong lasting
Its your ''''SWEET SMILE''''
So Keep smiling always,

Dream a dream tonight as you sleep.
Smile a smile tomorrow that you may keep.
May all of your dreams and wishes come true.
Coz I couldn"t find a better friend like you!
Treat everyone with politeness,Even those who are rude to U.....
Not because they are not nice,But bcoz u are nice....!!!**Good morning**

Friend nahi to life waste,
Salt nahi to food waste,
Story nahi to cinema waste,
Mera SMS nahi to tera cell waste...!GOOD MORNING
Sbha Ka Hr Pal Zindagi
De Aapko

Din Ka Hr Lmha Khushi
De Aapko

Jahan Gham Ki Hawa
Chuu k B Na Guzry

Zameen De Aapko


G o_O d
See outside the Window,
Sun rising for U, Flowers smiling for U,
Birds Singing for U, B'coz last night
I told them to wish U GooD Morning.