Mst ppl treat d

Mst ppl treat d
Mst ppl treat d
present momnts as if
it were an abstacle
th8 dey need 2
Since d present
momnt is LIFE itself
its an insane way 2
Gud a.m (=

Jun, 07 2010     160 chars (1 sms)     2060 views       Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

New day new blessing.Don''t let yesterday''s failures ruin the beauty of today,b''coz each day has its own promise of love,joy,forgiveness.....
Good Morning...
GoOd MoRniNg...

mAy GOd GIvE yOu A fREsH
sUpPLY Of StREnGth
To YoUr jOb,
AnnOinT YoUr pRojEcts,
BLesS yOuR iDeAs,
sO thAt EvEn YoUr SMaLLesT

GOD blEss YoU

kEEp sMiliNg

TAkE CaRe!!
May every hour of this day

bring sumthng special 4 u.

a thought tht makes U smile,

a smile tht warms ur heart

& a heart tht holds much happiness inside.

Gud mrng.
May you begin this day with a smile on your face,
and with happiness for your soul to embrace.
Good Morning my love.
TIME alone can prove the worth of frienship..
as time goes by,v loose the false ones,
n keep the best......
just a sweet hello 2 one of the best....
gud morning !!!!!
When You Speak From Your Heart

And Say The Words Your Soul Has Only

Dared To Whisper,

That''s When Miracles Happen !!

So, Believe In Yourself

Good Morning
Four Steps To Attain

First - THINK

Second - BELIEVE

Third - DREAM

Fourth - DARE ...

Good Morning
Stay Blessed :)
we often go off colour, but as long as
people like u are there to add the right shades, life goes on to
be a rainbow! Gud Morning.
"Certain Thoughts Are Prayers.

There Are Moments In Life,

When Whatever May Be The Attitude Of The Body ,

The Soul Is Always On Its Knees"

Gud Morning
Wherever You Go,
No Matter What The Weather,
Always Bring Your Own Sunshine... (:

G o_O d
/\/\ o R n I n G

Have A Lovely
S U N D A Y (-.=)
Dreams visit us when we r asleep but GOD is truly wise,
he wakes us up each day & gives us every chance to make our
dreams come true! Gud Morning
Those who joyfully leave everything in God"s hand will
eventually see God"s hand in everything. Worries end
where faith begins. Gud Day