Without Tasting The

Without Tasting The
Without Tasting The
Worst Situation,
No One Can Taste
The Best Thing Of Life ..

Dare To Face Anything in
Your Mysterious Life

G o.0 d
M o R n I n G =)

Jun, 07 2010     162 chars (2 sms)     2050 views       Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Dear Subscriber!Good Morning!!!Ur due date to take bath for
this month is today...Please take bath by due date to avoid
khujli,dandruf..... Thanks!!!!
Happiness Keeps U SWEET, Trials Make U STRONG, Sorrows Keeps
U HUMBLE, Sucess Keeps You GLOWING. Wish u a lovely and
sweet morning, Gud Day
In ThE
sWeEtNeSs Of
LeT dErE bE lAuGhTEr,
FoR In ThE dEw oF
LiTtLe ThInGs
tHe HeArT fInDs
It''S MoRnInG
Is ReFrEsHeD ..

gUd morNiNg ... =)
Excellence Isn''t Something That
U Can Just Turn On & Off
Whenever U Need It.
Its A Habit,
That''s Rooted In Attitude
& Effects Every Part Of Ur Life
Gud A.M.. (:
FoRgEt ThE sOrRoWz
LiKe NeW sUn ShInE,
aLwAyZ fEeL gOoD aBoUt
YoUrSeLf No Ma88eR
wHaT sIzE yOu ArE .. !!

G o_O d

HaVe A LoVe fIlLeD dAy (:
Travelling Down The Memory Lane

Is Not Eye Filled With Tears.

Travelling Down The Memory Lane

Brings Fresh And Soothing Air.

Travelling Down The Memory Lane

Is A Test Of Time And Mind

Travelling Down The Memory Lane
Is A Joy Of It''s Kind

A Morning is a wonderful blessing,Either stormy or Sunny,
It stands for hope,Giving us another start of what we
call ...<*L*I*F*E*>...GooD MoRnInG....have A nice dAy.
Sending 24 Smiles,
1 4 each EaCh HoUr oF a dAy
2 MaKe SuRe u R aLwAyZ sMilinng...
Good Morning and hAv a gReAt dAy....
Happy Moments - PRAISE ALLAH
Difficult Moments- SEEK ALLAH
Quiet Moments - WORSHIP ALLAH
Painful Moments - TRUST ALLAH
Moment By Moment - THANK ALLAH
Throw your dreams into space like a kite, and you do not know what it will bring back, a new day, a new life, a new friend, a new love

Good Morning
D o n '' t
W a i t
F o r
E x t r a o r d i n a r y
C i r c u m t a n c e s
T o
D o
G o o d
T r y
T o
U s e
O r d i n a r y
S i t u a t i o n

Good Morning
Hug Ten People At a Time

‘I love hugging.
I wish I was an octopus
so I could hug ten people at a time,
gud morning