Above the dark

Above the dark
Above the dark horizon soon new light rays will appear
They signify to all the world a fresh new day is here...!

G o_O d
M o r n i n g (:

Stay Blessed

Jun, 07 2010     159 chars (1 sms)     2164 views       Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Good Morning

Whenever U feel Urself
in d sea of

Just go & offer ur
prayer then bow Urself
be4 HIM !

Close Ur eyes
Now universe is mch
more bright, U''ll feel
better !

Tell HIM everything wid
tears. Don''t hide
HE know d heart !!

U must feel
HE is listening U
as a sincere friend

HE ''ll show U right way
HE ''ll solve Ur probs !


HE is d most merciful
He is d most beneficent
HE is d only LORD
HE is d great ALLAH ...
I made a cup (
of coffee ))
specially _((_
for u. d__l
There is no Sugar,
but don"t worry,
the sender is Sweet
Carry A Heart that Never Hates

Carry a Smile that Never Fades

Carry a Touch that never Hurts

Carry a Friendship that Never Fails!! .

A Cheerful Morning To You! .

You Cannot Make
Someone Love You
All You Can Do,
Is Be Someone
Who Can Be Loved ...

Good Morning
Have A Blessed Day (:
T h E
b E s T
w A y
t O
M a K e
y o U r
D r E a M s
T r U e
I z
T o
W a K e u P ,

GoOd mOrNiNg ... :)
A night hug warms the heart, a night kiss brightens the day,
and a gd morning to start your day!
No Shadows 2 Depress U, Only Joys 2 Surround U,Many FrieNds 2
LoveU,God Himself 2 BlessU,These r my Wishes 4U,2day 2morow &
Everyday 2 u !! Good morning
Wid A Ltle Bit Of Giving & Taking,

A Ltle Bit Of Leting Go & Holding On,

A Ltle Bit Of Trust & Overlooking d Limitations
Dat Each Of Us Hve Our Lives R Sure

2 Grow In 2 A Beautiful Flower Called LUV

GoOd MoRnInG ...
Utha Le Re Maula,
Utha Le..

Mere Ko Nahi Re,

Mere Dost Ko Uthale..

Uper Nahi Re Baba,

So Raha Hai,

Neend Se Uthale.. :P

*Good Morning*

Utho Sathiyo Aur Mulk Ka Kuch Bhala Karo!


Acha Tum Ho...


Tum To Wapis So Jao Issi Main He Mulk Ka Bhal Hai...

*Good Night*
Pyari C Sweet C Neend K Baad,
Raat K Kch Haseen Lamhon K Baad,
Subah K Kuch Naye Sapno K Saath,
Duniya Me Kuch Apno K Sath,
Aap Ko Pyara Sa

A child on a farm sees a plain flying by overhead n dreams of
a far away place. A traveler on d plain sees d farm n dreams
of that. That"s life. We never realized d value of the thing
unless it moves away frm us. Enjoy d moment u hav with u.
Gud Day