Night is the essence

Night is the essence
Night is the essence of pride, for i""ll be dreaming of my
to be bride,sweetdreams and goodnight is wished,
for she will never know how much she is missed. pinkpetal
somewhere out there beneath the pale moon light someone
think in of u some where out there where dreams come true...
goodnite & sweet dreams 2 you sweety

Jun, 07 2010     325 chars (3 sms)     2471 views       Good Night

more Good Night SMS Messages

Somewhere Out
There Beneath The
Pale Moon Light
Someone Thinking Of
U somewhere Out
There Where Dreams
Come True...

Good Night
Sweet Dreams 2 U
One (''""()
good ((")'')
nite ("(,,)
Kiss for you....
* * (''""() Bye
* ("(''o'',) bye
* (")(")(,,) * *
Sweet Dreams !
Please dont forget to

"Close your mouth"

gOod nIgHt
I think Ur eyes are
tired looking @ this world
reflecting through light,
Let Ur eye lashes hug
ech other 4 few hours.
Happy journey into
ThE dReAm WoRlD

Good Night ... (:
Thakanpur Se Fresh Nagar Jane Wali

Nindiya Express Befoam Pe Khari Hy

Aap Se Guzarish Hai K

Apne Qeemti Sapne Saath Le Ker Sawar Ho jayiye ... =)

*Good Night *
This Has Been Declared

As D Worlds Most Difficult

Tongue Twister: "The Sixth Sick Sheikhs Sixth Sheep Is Sick"

Try It.

gOod NighT

Good Good
Good Good
Good Good
Good Good
Good Good
Good Good
Good Good
Night Night
Night Night.

U might b sleeping
U might b awake
there’s a feeling i
just cant shake…
I know deep inside
this feeling is right
the uncontrolable
urge 2 say….
DrEam eAcH dAy At
YoUr fUlLeSt


LiVe As

If It Is GoIng tO bE
tHe FuLleSt ...

GoOd NiGht

SwEeT dReAmz ... :)
Since ur eyes are
looking tired...
Let ur
eye lashes hug each
other for few hours. . .

Happy journey into the
world of dreams. . .

Good Night
In tis lovely nite, I pray 2 the blue moon 2 protect U thru
the nite, the wind 2 blow away ur stress N the twinkle stars
2 guide U the way, sweet dreams G00d Nite
A day is going to end again. It is nice to have a friend like U making my everyday seems so great.
Thank U my good friend lastly gud nite n sweet dreams...