Inspirational SMS Messages786 messages

I can close my eyes and see all I’m searching for..
I can know what lies ahead without opening the door..
Intuition guiding me I will take my time..
All my answers live within my heart and quiet mind.
When u find a dream inside ur heart,

dont ever let it go,

Coz dreams r the tiny seeds

from which beautiful 2morow grows.
Life Teaches U To Smile
Also Teaches U To Cry
It May Be Ironical
Its True That
U Can''t Know Value Of Smile Until U Cry
Success Will Never Lower Its Standard To Accommodate Us
We Have To Raise Our Standard To Achieve It . . .

“For Every Bird GOD Provides Food, But Not In Their Nest”
ThaNks 2 tHosE wHo hAtEd mE,
tHey maDe mE a sTrOngeR pErson

tHX 2 tHos wHo luVd mE,
tHey maDe My hEart BigGer

tHx 2 tHos whO wOrrIed aBt mE,
tHey leT mE kNw DaT tHey aCtuaLlY CarEd

tHx 2 ThOs wHo lEft mE,
tHey sHoWed mE noT evRythnG laSts

tHx 2 thOs wHo eNtereD mY liFe,
When you wake up
in the morning
You have two choices-
Go back to sleep
and dream your dreams,
or wake up and chase those dream !!!!
Rememember that "there are 4 things that you cannot recover."
These are:

1- The stone...

...after the throw!

2- The word...

...after it’s said!

3- The occasion...

... after the loss!

4- The time...

... after it''s gone!
"A good servant is essential in every household

but i have never known how to keep anyone

as a servant."

When u r up in life,
ur loved ones get to know who u r..
when u r down in life,
u get to know who ur loved ones r.
IF U R Born Poor, Its not ur Mistake..........

After a time u will find that "having" is not so pleasing a thing as "wanting".
Its not logical , but after all true..
Hunger Wakes You 2 Work

Failure Makes You 2 Achieve

Poverty Pushes You 2 Earn

Problems Keep You Alert

Its Just +ve Attitude That Makes
Life Sweeter & Worthier