stars SMS Messages127 messages

If Tomorow We Mis Each Other

U Will Get Thousands Frends

Like Me

But I Would Not Get U,

Bcoz In Sky stars R So


But MOON Is Only One
Here r d Deepest
Feelings Of My Heart
4 U




Ur Minimums

Scars 2

2 Profits

2 Smiles

Ur Sorrows


Ur Credits



Make It
Everlasting .. :)

"I am not a palmist to tell U where UR paths will lead U..
I am not an astrologist to tell U if UR stars will be lucky enough for U..
I am not even gud enough to take UR burden 0ver my shoulders..
I can make a Wish for U..
A simple Wish that..
May Allah lead U to the best path..
May He bless U with the luckiest stars..
May He guide U,
protect U n help U through everything.. *Ameen*
I''m A Lonely Road Of
Broken Dreams

Its A Boulevard That
I''m Searching For

These stars Are All
So Dull

Its The Moon That I''m
Searching For

Happiness Is So Angry
At Me

Its Life That I''m
Searching For

There Is A Crowd
Around Me At All Times

Its a Friend That I''m
Searching For

My Life Is Just Like

Its A Destination That
I''m Searching For

Don''t Know What Is It
That I''ve Lost

May Be Its ''ME'' That
I''m Searching For !!
We ride the wind together
Our hearts have taken flight
Love shows us both the way
To soar into the night.

Off into the distance
There is only you and I
Wrapped in the arms of love
We sail across the sky.

Enraptured by the music
Of a soft romantic tune
We fall in love a thousand times
Below d brilliant moon.

This could go on forever
What had only been dreamed of
You and I together
In a world of love.

The moon, the stars, the moment
In a love that none could sever
Wrapped in the arms of love
We ride the wind, forever.
Even if the candles fade away
and winds of silence start blowin
and rotten leaves start to
embrace ur coffin
and roses that lay by ur grave
begin to wither petal after petal
Even if the clouds passing by
shed their tears in blind agony
and even the stars
that we used to see together
that sparkeled our love
begin to glimmer
like as if they were never there
even if the suns of happiness
leave the evenings of ur heart
and the autumns of death
triumph the valleys of ur life
As I turn out the lightAs I turn out the light
And look up the moon
I put my hands together
And pray that your okay

I gaze across the sky
And court the many stars
As I wonder what you are doing
Wonder where you are

No matter where I go
I always see your face
I hear the sound of your voice
In every single place

Although you’re far away
In my heart you’ll always be
In my prayers you’ll always mentioned
In my dreams you’ll always seen….

As i Look the stars above me,
I wish you were somewhere
I roam by day, in search of shady trees
In between these huge palaces of stone
A shady place to sleep time and sun away
and then return to that old cold stone.
And to dream, looking at the mocking stars.

The sun slowly peeps at me, smiling
and I naughtily show my back to him
The world starts running around quickly
And tries to wake me up, but in vain
All I know and have, is my sleep galore.

These few lines, for those homeless friends, who sleep on the streets, these few lines, for our helplessness on seeing them. These few lines for their prayers and our reasons.

I wander''d lonely as a cloud

...That floats on high o''er vales and hills,

When all at once I saw a crowd,

...A host, of golden daffodils;

Beside the lake, beneath the trees,

Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

Continuous as the stars that shine

...And twinkle on the Milky Way,

They stretch''d in never-ending line

...Along the margin of a bay;

Ten thousand saw I at a glance,

Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.
Good Night My Love!

As I am saying good night at the end of the day,
And you are not here, but many miles away,
My heart is so empty and so lonely inside,
As I wipe away a tear I am trying to hide.

I close my eyes and try to go to sleep,
But with the sadness inside I begin to weep.
Suddenly I remember what you once said to me,
Just meet me in the stars, waiting for you I will be.

When distance tends to keep us apart,
Remember I still hold you near in my heart.
When the night together, can''t be ours,
Just close your eyes and meet me in the stars.

Remembering those words, I begin to smile,
And gently close my eyes, lessening the miles.
I can see the stars, oh how beautifully arranged,
But you are not there, no hug to exchange.
It Was
14th Moon Night
Dark Calm All Around
Comlpete Silence
A Voice Was Heard
................Some One Was Saying Something
Under The Shade Of Moon
No One Was Awaiking
Birds Were Also Sleeping
Only The stars Were Watching
.......................They Were Twinkling
A Voice Was Still Hearing
There Was Some One
Under The Shade Of Moon

.......................That Was I Just I Under The Shade Of Moon

And I Am Just Just Praying For You!!!!!!!!!
Too many stars in the sky,
too many tears that have left my eyes.
Too many girls out in the blue,
but they are nothing compared to you!