pray SMS Messages275 messages

| t0DaYz tHoUgHt |

It''s The Purity Of
HEART That Matters
Not The External
Helping HANDS r A;ways
Better Than praying LIPS . . .
It is said dat wen u laugh,

u r praying 2 god

but wen u make others laugh

den god himself prays for u.

So stay happy & b d reason

4 other''s happiness.
The fruit of silence is prayER
The fruit of prayer is FAITH
The fruit of faith is LOVE
The fruit of love is SERVICE
The fruit of service is PEACE
Dont pray For A Path Less Difficult


pray For A Path MOre Challenging

Only Then
Will U Not pray To Find A Partner To LUV


pray To Find Someone Worthy Of Ur LUV
=/// TodAyZ ThoUghT ///=

A beautiful belief:If God answers ur prayer,
He is increasing ur faith.If He delays,
He is increasing ur patience.If he doesn t answer,
He knows u can handle.......;->
Extending One Hand To Help Somebody

Has More Value

Than Joining Two hand

For prayers . . .
The fruit of silence is prayER
The fruit of prayer is FAITH
The fruit of faith is LOVE
The fruit of love is SERVICE
The fruit of service is PEACE
Dont pray For A Path Less Difficult


pray For A Path MOre Challenging

Only Then
Will U Not pray To Find A Partner To LUV


pray To Find Someone Worthy Of Ur LUV
Extending One Hand To Help Somebody

Has More Value

Than Joining Two hand

For prayers . . .
| t0DaYz tHoUgHt |

"WhEn ThE WoRlD

PusHeS yOu To

YoUr KnEeS

YoU aRe In

PeRfEcT PosItIoN

To pray ..."
|| PearL Of thE DaY ||

"It Is ImPoRtAnT tHaT


oUr AcTiOnS sHuD Be SuCh ThAt
GOD sTaRts BeLeIvIng
In Ur prayeRzZz ..."
| ToDaYzZz ThOuGht |

I Hav Realized Dat

No Matter

How Many Tyms

I pray,

I Only Get

What I

Rightfully Deserve