patience SMS Messages27 messages

One who adopt patience,
will never be deprived of success though
it may take a long time to reach him.
3 Things In Life
Never Come Back ..

3 Things In Life
Are Never Sure

3 Things In Life
That Make U A
Great Person
Hard work

3 Things In Life
Are Most Valuable
Self Respect
Friends ... !!!

Eid-ul-Fitar Is Upon Us
Once Again
Doors Open To Everyone
While Perfume Fills The Air
A Time To See The Ones
We Haven''t Seen For A While
With Labels That Have
A Space For All
Love, Hope , Dreams &
Accomplishments Are Shared
Being Thankful To
For All That Exist In Our Lives
Being Generous To The
Ones That Need It
Having patience To
Withstand What Life Brings

... Eid Mubarak ...


-Recipe Of Friendship-

2 Heaping Cups Of patience
1 Heartful Of Love
2 Handfuls Of Generosity
1 Handful Of Understanding
A Dash Of Humour

Sprinkle Generously Wid Kindness & Plenty Of Faith
Mix Well
Spread Over A Period Of Life Time
Serve To Everyone You Meet (:
The willingness to listen,

the patience to understand,

the strength to support,

the heart to care & just to be there….

that is the beauty of a lady!

Happy Women’s Day!
Have A Magical Affect
Before Which
Difficulties Disappear
And Obstacles Vanish.
The Promise Of Our
Dreams Come True

When patience Minds
Our Goal

Remember That

Diamond Once

Was Just A Piece Of
Coal ...
Never Speak
Out Of Anger ,

Never Act
Out Of Fear ,

Never Choose
From Impatience ,

But Wait


Peace Will
Appear ... Never Speak
Out Of Anger ,

Never Act
Out Of Fear ,

Never Choose
From Impatience ,

But Wait


Peace Will
Appear ...
Love Is Like A Flower. . . Give It Time. . . patience And Lots Of Tender Loving Care And Watch As It Blooms Into Something Wonderful. . .
This is my wish for you

Comfort On Difficult Days. . .
Smiles When Sadness Intrudes. . .
Rainbows To Follow The Clouds. . .
Laughter To Kiss Your Lips. . .
Sunsets To Warm Your Heart. . .
Hugs When Spirits Sag. . .
Beauty For Your Eyes To See. . .
Friendships To Brighten Your Being. . .
Faith So That You Can Believe. . .
Confidence For When You Doubt. . .
Courage To Know Yourself. . .
patience To Accept The Truth. . .
Love To Complete Your Life. . .
What is Love?
It’s silence when your words would hurt,
It’s patience when your neighbor’s curt,
It’s defense when the scandal flows,
It’s thoughtfulness for another’s woes,
It’s promptness when stern duty calls,
It’s courage when misfortune falls
when you are gone,
i feel so alone,

i miss you dear
when u are not here,

oh god grant me patience, but be QUICK.