old friend SMS Messages17 messages

Age Appears To Be Best In Somethings

Old Wood Best To Burn

Old Books Best To Read

Old Rice Best To Eat


old friends Best To Keep
Like U JAn|x . . . ;->
Think About It

One Of The Gr8est
Titles, V Can Have Is
"old friend"
V Never Appreciate
How Important "OLD
V r Older, The Problem
Is, V Need To Start Our
old friendships, When
V r Young. V Then
Have To Nurture &
Grow Those
Friendships Over Our
Middle Age When A
Busy Life & Changing
Geographies Can Cause
Us To Neglect Those
Today Is The Day To
Invest In Those People
V Hope Will Call Us
"old friendS" In The
Years To Come ... (:
I live by Faith, not by my sight.So whether i See u! or not,
Iknow U R still the same :)
A sweet old friend of mine....
With no chance of improvement! =)
LifE iS aLL Abt WakinG uP EaCh dAy tO diSCoVer SoMethinG NeW, Abt MeetinG oLd PeoPLe bUt MakinG NeW CoNverSatioNs, WaLkinG thru oLd RoadS bUt StiLL feeLinG NicE Abt it,
ReaLizinG thAt u hAvE GrowN a dAy oLdeR bUt StiLL feeLinG young at hEArt, MeetinG busy ScheduLeS bUt StiLL fiNdinG timE 4 old friends, bEinG NoStaLGic Abt by GoNe dAys bUt
LookinG foRWaRd tO bEttEr dAys,
WaNtinG 2 Shoot da person Who SeNt SuCh a LonG MsG bUt StiLL MaNaGe 2 SmiLe.
Congratulations to you, my old friend,
Birthday wishes to you, I do send.
You look good for your age, I could say,
But you look good to me any day.
When I look in the mirror, I sigh,
''Cause I know the mirror doesn''t lie.
You''re aging like me, so you surely can see
That you''re getting to be an old guy.