nose SMS Messages18 messages

What Will You Find

inside A Very Clean nose ... ???



















A Lot Of Finger Prints ... ;->
Q - If YoU pLuGgEd
YoUr nose aNd YoUr
MoUtH wHiLe YoU
sNeEzEd ...
WoUlD It CoMe OuT Of
YoUr EaR
wOuLd YoUr HeAd ExPlOdE ... ?

=O ;->
Man 1:
"I m Alwayz Delighted
When People Stick Their
noses In My

Man 2:
"Why, What Do You Do?"

Man 1:
"I''ve A Company, Make
Tissue Papers ..." ;->
I always pray 4u that.

May ur life b bright & sunny
& ur partner b fat & funny

May ur life b filled wid roses
U have children with pheeni pheeni noses.

I always pray 4u that.

May ur life b bright & sunny
& ur partner b fat & funny

May ur life b filled wid roses
U have children with pheeni pheeni noses.

I always pray 4u that.

May ur life b bright & sunny
& ur partner b fat & funny

May ur life b filled wid roses
U have children with pheeni pheeni noses.