mind SMS Messages373 messages

Our friendship is like playing on a see-saw,
not only because its always fun being with u
but also because I won''t mind going down to
see u rise
A to Z

A= A Wonderful Person
B= Best
C= Careful
D= Decent
E= Efficient,Exuberant
F= Friendly
G= Great
H= Hardy
I= Intelligent
J= Jocund
K= Knowledgable,Kindhearted
L= Lucky
M= Merciful
N= Noble
O= Open minded
P= Peerless
Q= Quizzical
R= Reliable
S= Sincere
T= Telented
U= Unique
V= Very Especial
W= Worthy
X= Xone de Shaan
Y= Youthful
Z= Zealous
The minds of 2 friends r like the
lines of railway track they may not meet but has 2 go 2gether
2 save the derailment of train called
Frndship Requires A Lil Effort
Even When We Are Busy Wid
Our Lives
A Simple Sms
Reminds Each Other
U''re N Forgotten . . . :)
Sound Becomes Music,

Movement Becomes Dance,

Smile Becomes Laughter,

mind Becomes Meditation &

Life Becomes Celebration

When Friends Keep In Touch.
Flowers Of Friendship Never Give Up

It Is A Promise Made Forever .

it Brings Happiness To The Heart And mind


Makes Every Dream Come Alive ... :)
[[ tOdAyz ThOught ]]

minds Are Like Parachutes.

They Only Function

When They Are Open.
Friendship Is Like
Playing On Seesaw
Not Only Because
U Always Have Fun In It
But Also Because
U Wouldn''t mind Going Down
To See Other Rise ... :)
Walk Lightly Into Our
Slowly Into Our mind
At 1st We Never Care
Who They r...
Later We Don''t Know
Who We r Without
Them ... (=
Soft Speech clean heart, peaceful eyes, strengthful hands,
focussed mind and determined decision with God"s Love.
Alway Makes you winner.
in everything u do have a purpose,prepare to pursue ur
purpose with a prayer,ask 4 guidance, protection and
direction. Give thanks 2 answered prayers, have faith
in your ability 2 succeed, be positive and never look back.
If u keep all this in ur mind u wont wrong
Are you hungry? Neva mind I have two bowls, 1 for wishes
and 1 for luck. Wishes are mine and luck is yours. you can
take it or leave it, choice is yours.