mile SMS Messages948 messages


Answer: Smile
Successful People Always
Have 2 Things In Their Lips,
Smile & Silence.!
Keep Always
All The Best
I''m gonna smile
Make U think
I''m happy
I''m gonna laugh,
So U don''t see me cry
I''m gonna let U go in style
Even if it kills me
I''m gonna smile ..
Among those
Whom I like or admire
I can find no common denominator
Among those
Whom I love
I can ...
All of them make me smile ... (:
I''m gonna smile
Make U think
I''m happy
I''m gonna laugh,
So U don''t see me cry
I''m gonna let U go in style
Even if it kills me
I''m gonna smile ..
Among those
Whom I like or admire
I can find no common denominator
Among those
Whom I love
I can ...
All of them make me smile ... (:
A Sad girl was sitting with her boyfriend.

Boy:U r d second most beautiful girl I''ve ever seen!

Girl:Who''s the first?

Boy:It''s YOU When u smile... ;->
Thousands of languages around this world
"smile" can beat them all.
"Smile" is the Language even a BABY can speak.
So keep smiling.
Baby''s Smile can make Even dead people alive,

Girl''s smile can make
Living people die

Moral-U can believe a child
But never a girl. . . .
A Smile Is Nearly Always
Inspired By Another Smile...
True Love Is When Your Heart
And Your Mind Are
Saying The Same Thing ...
A Rupee iS Easy 2 Earn
a Smile iS Hard 2 Find
Rupee Loses iTs Value
Smile Increases iTs Worth
I Lost a Rupee Wen I sms U
Who Cares
iF I Won uR Smile ;->
Rose is famous
4 grace

Advocate is famous 4 case

Horses r famous
4 race
Is famous
4ur face
So keep Smile.!