love u SMS Messages160 messages

The Jaan

Owner of my

heart & life.

My dear,

I beg to say that i love u & i cant liv wthout u. So,kindly give me some place in ur heart. I shall b very thankful to u.

urs obediently,

Name: lover

Roll #:143.

Class= Love.
What I Enjoy Is Your Company, Being Near You, Being Togather.

What I Need Is Time With You, Show Me You Care, Let Me Care For You, Let Me Know I''m Important To you.

I''ll Be Sure You Know How Important You Are To me, All I Need Is You , You To Love me , As I love u
When U Love SomeOne, Its SomeThing. . .

When SomeOne love u, It''s Another Thing

When U Love The Person Who Loves U Back, It''s EveryThing . . . :)
What I Enjoy Is Your Company, Being Near You, Being Togather.

What I Need Is Time With You, Show Me You Care, Let Me Care For You, Let Me Know I''m Important To you.

I''ll Be Sure You Know How Important You Are To me, All I Need Is You , You To Love me , As I love u
feel good when some one miss u
feel better when some one love u
feel best when some one never forget u
immature love says :

i love u coz i need u

mature love says:

i need u coz i love u
We must widen the circle of our love until it embraces the whole village; the village in turn must take into its fold the district; the district the province, and so on till the scope of our love encompasses the whole world.
Love isn''t love until you give it away,

so give it wings and let it go,

if it''s meant to be it will fly right back to you!
Love Is Not love untill You Give It Away

So Give It Wings & Let It Go

If It’s Meant To be, It’ll Fly Right Back To You . . .
I love u more than any thing in this universe,
I love u more than my soul.
I m nt interested in ur beauty
I love ur thoughts, ur nature, the moments when r along wd me.
I love ur smile, the thing I care most.
The words which I m going to say are not imaginary,

"Be mine Janu"
I Beleive Dat
GOD Above Created You For Me To Love

HE Pick You Out From All the Rest
HE Knew I''d love u The Best . . .
Doubt that the stars are fire,
doubt that the sun dont move,
doubt truth to be a liar,
but never doubt I love u.