good friend SMS Messages33 messages

A lover Says, i will be with in all your troubles...
a good friend says...u will have no trouble when i m wid u...
Today is Bestfriend Day. Send this to all of your
friends, and me if I
am one. If you get 7 back you are LOVED!!! Here are
the numbers of what
kind of friend you are based on how many you get

1-3 ~ you''re a bad friend
4-6 ~ you''re an okay friend
7-9 ~ you''re a good friend
10+ ~ you''re great friend
One Best Book Is Equal To Hundred good friends . . .


One Best Friend Is More Than A Library :)
good friends Are One In A Million.
good friends Are Stories To Share.
good friends Know The Path To Your
Happiness, And They Walk With You
All The Way There.

good friends Are Lives Overlapping.
good friends Are Laughter And Tears.
good friends Are Emotions So Deep
That The Trust Just Keeps Growing
God Has Given Us Two Gifts

One Is Choice & Other Is Chance

Choice Is To Select A good friend


Chance Is Too have A Best One Like U . . .
good friendS Care For Each Other..
Close Friends
Understand Each Other...
And TRUE Friends Stay
Beyond Words,
Beyond Time...**
The imp. of a good friend in our lives is like the importance of our heartbeats..
though they r not visible, they silently support your life..
I hAvE nEvEr AsKeD fOr
MucH In LiFe ... The LiTtLe tHiNgs
mEaNt aLoT ... ThE WeaLtH i''Ve AcQuIrE
In My tYmS ... iS tHe good friendS
ThAt i HaVe Got ... :->
A good friend

Is Like A Light House

It Doesn''t

Ring Bells, Fire Guns
To Call Attention

When You Are Lost ...

It Simply Stands
Tall And Shines ... =]
A good friend can tell you what is the matter with you in a minute. He may not seem such a good friend after telling
Why Do I Always Forgive You?

I Let You Call Me So Many Names,

I Let You Treat Me Like Dirt,

Yet I''m Still Your Friend.
Am I Stupid?

Or Am I A

good friend?
// T o D a Y z
T h O u G h T //

A good friend Never Allows You To Do Stupid Things...