good deeds SMS Messages7 messages

Friends are like mirror
You see yourself in it and
Come to know about your good and bad qualities.
It encourages you for good deeds and removes your bad qualities
Always respect your friends
Life Is Like A BOOK - Everyday Is A New Page;
May Your Book Be A BESTSELLER With Adventure To Tell,
Lessons To Learn And Tales Of good deeds To Remember.
I wish you ALL a very happy and peaceful Eid. May Allah accept
your good deeds, forgive your transgressions and ease the
suffering of all peoples around the globe.Eid Mubarik
Wish you a very happy and peaceful Eid.
May Allah accept your good deeds,
forgive your transgressions and
ease the suffering of all peoples around the globe.
Eid Mubarik !!
Write your name in kindness, love, and mercy on the hearts of thousands you come in contact with year by year, and you will never be forgotten. Your name and your good deeds will shine as the stars of heaven.
Life is like a Book: Each day a new page with adventures
to experience, lessons to learn and good deeds to replicate.
Have a COLORFUL PAGE today. Good Morning
The holy month of Ramadan,
For all Muslims has begun.
Praising Allah through the day,
From dawn to dusk we fast and pray.
We pay zakah (charity) for those in need,
Trying hard to do good deeds.