best SMS Messages597 messages

A - U"r Attractive
B - U"r D best
C - U"r Cute
D - U"r Dear 2 me
E - U"r Excellent
F - U"r Funny
G - U"r Gud Looking
H - He He He
I - I"m
J - Just K - Kidding
Sometimes in life we think we don"t need anyone.
But sometime we don"t have anyone when we need...
So don"t let your best buddies go ever...
When does a friend become a best friend?
When his dialouge, "I care for you" converts into
"I will kill you if you don"t care for me"
Age appears to be best in some things.
Old wood best to burn. Old books best to read.
Old rice best to eat and old friends best to keep
If u r a chocolate ur the sweetest,
if u r a Teddy Bear u r the most huggable,
If u are a Star u r the Brightest,
and since u r my "FRIEND" u r the "best"!!!!!!!!!
Friends are the best part of our LIVES....
and the best VITAMIN 4 making FRIENDS is VITAMIN B1
Thanx 4 "B"eing"1".
best gift : Zindagi
best ehsas : Kushii
best feeling :Piyar
best relation : Dosti
best person : Hum
best friend : Tum
Friends are the best part of our LIVES....
and the best VITAMIN 4 making FRIENDS is VITAMIN B1
Thanx 4 "B"eing"1".
one day Love and friendship met.
Love asked-when i already exist why are you here?
friendship replied "to make faces smile when u
leave the tears!!!"

Friendship is the best thing in the world as there is
no scope for tears if your friend is good.
best day aaj, best gift zindagi,
best eahsaas khushi,
best feeling pyar,
best relationship dosti,
best person hum,
best friend tum hum tum
best day aaj, best gift zindagi,
best eahsaas khushi,
best feeling pyar,
best relationship dosti,
best person hum,
best friend tum hum TUM
The nominees for the best friends are




and the winner is "me" because

I have you