Impress SMS Messages32 messages

Friendship is like a string, when it breaks, it may be tied again but a knot comes there at the joint. So be careful about your friends and never try to break your friendship because it may be made again but there will be bad Impression of break is left in the string of Friendship
The more silently love is expressed, the more deeply it is bound to Impress. No wonder God loves us in silence but gives us unnoticed blessings. :)
Nature has given u a face,
but u have to provide the xpression.
Be Careful When u express,
coz ur every Expression Will Leave An Impression
EID iS d CoMbInAtIoN oF 3 mEaNiNgFuL wOrDs

E - eMbRaCe WiD oPeN hEaRt

I - iNsPiRe WiD ImpressiVe AtTiTuDe

D - dIsTrIbUtE pLeAsUrE tO aLl

E - Excitement n Joys

I - Inspirating with Impressive Attitude

D - Distributing Pleasure To All

God Bless You ... (:


Eid Mubarak To Awl
1st Impression:

Just when I thought I d seen it all
our paths crossed and met
and I Knew from the First glance
that u would be hard 2 4get
your eyes attracted me First
but you reeked of sultry confidence
I couldn t wait 2 touch lips
and kiss with my Heart s intentions
when we did it was what I expected
and 4 that moment we erased the tension
of the awkwardness of First Date Jitters
and the initial Blind Date First Impressions
we kissed again and I felt the passion
and this was CUPID s blessing
Remember !!

Work For A Cause
Not For Applause

Live Life To Express
Not To Impress

Don''t Strive To Make
our Presence Noticed

Just Make Your
Absence Felt ...
Face Test:
Q # 1:- What do you find on my Face:-
a) Silence?
b) Innocence?
c) Proud?
d) Softness?
Q # 2:- Which 1 is the Most Attractive:-?
a) Eyes?
b) Smile?
c) Lips?
d) Hair?
Q # 3:- What is the 1st Impression that you got from My Face:-
a) Cute?
b) Smart?
c) Attitude?
d) Intelligent?
Reply Must if you are my Friend..?
Q: Mujh mei w0 k0n si aisi 3 KhAsiyat hai jis ki bina par koi mujhse Impress h0ga?

2.Happy nature
3.Face expression
4.Funny harkatein
5.Never mind attitude
7.Firendly smile
8.Quick dialogue delivery
10.Helping nature
Plz plz
Reply zrur krna...:-)
| t0DaYz tHoUgHt |

Nature has given u a face,

but u have to provide the expression.

Be careful when u express,

coz ur every expression

will leave an Impression.
"Be bold when you lose

and Be calm when you win".

Your Life is a fingerprint

that cannot be duplicated.

so make the Best Impression with it.
Work For A Cause

And Not For A Applause.

Live Life To Express Urself

And Not To Impress Someone Else.