I____u SMS Messages5024 messages

It is Love
that gives me purpose
to change and grow and learn.
It is Love that guides me on this path
and helps me choose each turn.

It is Love
that gives me courage
to stand against my fears;
to open up my heart to you,
to let you see my tears.

It is Love
that gives me trust and hope
when little thing go wrong.
When distance stands between us,
it is Love that keeps me strong.

It is Love
that offers harmony
and a friendship that is true.
How wonderful that I can share
a Love like this with you... ;->
You’ve been given feeling to me all night
And I can’t leave unless you''re leaving with me tonight
Now it’s not difficult to tell you''re selecting
And I think you''re selecting me
To lead you - can’t you see?

I wanna leave with you gotta take you home
I can see it inside my head
That if I leave with you and I get you home
you’re gonne love what I do when I’m on top of you
when I’m on top of you
Whn dere''s no frend
Whn lyf is on d dead end
Whn world isn''t a paradise
Whn ur confidence dies
Tell urself
"Go On, This Is LIFE"

Whn things dn''t go right
Whr dere''s no ray of lite
And its too hard to survive
Tell urself
"Go On, This Is LIFE"

Whn other dn''t respect u
Whn u r nt amongst d admirable few
Whn for a question, u can''t find a solution
Whn u r sure abt, is confusion
Tell urself
"Go On, This Is LIFE"

Whn ur destination is miles apart
Whn u dn''t knw whr to start
Whn all u c around in pain
Whn ur hardwork is in vain
Tell urself
"Go On, This Is LIFE"
It Takes Time To Heal

Build A Bridge
From Now To Tommorow
Sink d Piers
Deep Into d Earth
Pour In Concrete
Day By Day
A Little A Time
& Let It Set

It Takes Time To Heal

It May Feel Very Awkward
As If You''re Making Empty Promises
As If You''re Simply Spanning Empty Space

But Someday,Somehow,Somewhere
You''ll Find Yourself
Upon A Brand New Shore
Glancing Back At The Bridge
Which You Alone Have Built

It Takes Time To Heal (:
EXam’s song by Munna bhai:

“Chanda Mama so Gaye,
Student sarey jage.
Dekho pakdo yaron,
Ghadi ke kaante bhaage.
Ek pariksha khatam,to duji
shuru ho gayi MAAMU.
Exams are like GIRL FRIENDS

1 Too Many Questions.
2 Difficult to Understand.
3 More Explanation is Needed.
4 Result is always FAIL!
Student''s declaration at the end of answer paper. It Reminds me of Disclaimer Notices!

I hereby declare that answers written above r true 2 the best of mine & my friend''s knowledge & I claim no responsibility whatsoever 4 any mistakes.

Whatever I have written is truly fictitious & any resemblance with the Subject Matter is purely Coincidental
What is Éduçati0n ?

Educati0n is an 0raganised system thr0ugh whch we waste 0ne half 0f our life t0 learn h0w 2 waste the remaning half 0f 0ur life.








This Shud Be The Beginning Of The New Semester :->
What’s Fear ?

Fear Is The Deep Wrencthing Feeling In Your Stomach

When Pages Of Ur Book Still Smell New


Just Few Hours Left For Ur Examz ;->
Thought of the Day: If you Feel like doing some studies,

Sit down and wait until that Feeling goes away!
Recite SURAH QALAM Complete And SURAH AMBIYA (Ayah 79 To 91)

A Day Before Ur Exam Paper.They Have Miraculuos Effects.

Forward To Everyone U Want To Help For Better Result.