Butt SMS Messages86 messages

The fluffy cloud may kiss the sky, the rose may kiss the Butterfly, the morning due may kiss the grass but you my friend may kiss my lips!!
KISS oR pass
WELLAA gUYS n THis thIng
U have To TELL
DO u wana Kiss THE abOVE persoN
or Just kICK hIS Butt..!!!
WELL nOW starT enJoyIng.....;->
The fluffy cloud may kiss the sky,
the rose may kiss the Butterfly,
the morning due may kiss the grass but
you my friend may kiss my lips!!
love is like a Butterfly...

if u hold it too tight it will crash
if u will hold it too loose it will fly...
I think about you always,
and the way you make me smile.
like when i look into your eyes, it gives me Butterflies.
When you hold me in your arms n
when my lips connect with yours,
its a feelin that i cant explain
because i never felt like that before.
I''m Sad, ..
Sad Like Butterflies Pinned To Cardboard Boxes.Sad Like Books With Torn pages,

Ocean Shores Empty of Bathers..I Am Sad Like Unfinished Stories ..

Where Would I go With All This, yet To live Alone...

love is just like Butterfly when u try to catch it is flew away but when u cool and sielent its come and touch ur heart so wait 4 ur Butterfly ok

Submited in : Love SMS

Characters : 145 | Sms Length : 1

Submitted By sajid From hussain ( 03217264137 )
"Happiness is
Like a Butterfly"

You run
after it,
It keeps
flying away.
But if you
''stand still'',
It comes and
''Sits On You''

"Wish you lots
of Butterflies !
once there was a sparrow who love a withe rose.she perposed the withe rose Butt rose reply that
when he will turns red he will alsi fell in love with sparrow. than sparrow tore her body and
slowly spread her blood on the flower.now the flower turns red and fell in love with sparrow. Butt sparrow no more
Small love story......

Two Butterflies love each other....one day they
where playing hide n seek at nite. girl Butterfly
says " A small game between us". she says "who
sits on this flower earlier in the mrg tomorrow,
that one loves the other most". then the boy
Butterfly says ''OK''. next mrg she was waiting frm 4''o
clock.the flower opened... she found the boy
Butterfly dead inside it, because he stayed there
the previous nite itself.
thats what true love.
LOVE IS LIFE, dont miss it.......
Why Did Santa Throw The Butter Out Of The Window?

A: He Wanted To See Butterfly!
If The First Button Of a Shirt Is Wrongly Put
All The Rest Are Surely Crooked

So Always Be Careful On Your First Step

Rest Will Come Correct...!!!!