Ager Duniya Ko Kuch

Ager Duniya Ko Kuch
Ager Duniya Ko Kuch Kar Ke Dekhna HAi Tu Sunooo Meri Baat ......
Hathi Ke Upar Ulta Khara Ho KAr Photo Khihwao ab Photo Ko Ulta KAr Ke Duniya Ko Dikhayooo... ;->

May, 20 2010     166 chars (2 sms)     2072 views       Funny

more Funny SMS Messages

yamraj took man to hell.....
there he saw gandhi jee dancing wid bipasha..
man asked yamraj:gandhi jee ki saza itni mazedaar ku?
yamraj:saza tu bipasha ko mili hai...

Aaj Ki Dua:

Aye Allah!

Koi Ghalti Se Mere Number Per Balance Send Kar Day.

Sab Kaho Aameen. :-)
75 Year Old Lady Ne News Paper Me Add Dya


7 Din K Bad Ek Letter Aya


.Ama is Umer Mein Rishtey Nahi, Farishtey Atey Hain"
whAt iS tHe nAm3 of bruc3 lee''s s|st3r wHo cAn wAlk on tHe wAlls?

Memon Beemar Hua To Check Up K Liye Gaya.

Dr: Drip Lagani Paregi

Memon Adhi Drip Laga Kar Acha Hogaya Aur Bola:
"Baaki Parcel Kardo"
Dog:Where are you going?

Ant:My rakhi brother the elephant has met with an accident.

Since we have the same blood group,

I am going to donate some blood for him.
Ek Dost Mazaq Me Apnay Shaikh Dost K Paon Dbanay Lga.

Paon Dba Kr Bo|La,

Meri Ujrat..?

Shaikh: Tum Ne Paon Dbaye,
Or Mainay Ujrat Dbai..>

Sardar made a call to the airport.

Asked,”How long is the journey from Punjab to America?”

Receiptionist: “One second sir….”.

Sardar: Ok, thank you..!!!
tEaChEr (sTuDeNt sE): tUM kAFI nA-LaIyak hO.
JuB hAM sTuDeNt tHaY tO kAFi kAbIL tHAY.

StUdEnTs:sIR, aApko tEaChEr kAbIL MILay hOn Ge,TaBhI AaP kABIL ThAy.


Munnabhai-Yaar Mast Mast Jokes

Pane K Liye

Kya Karne Ka?

Circuit-Simple Bhai, Likhne Ka
Teacher to Santa " Where were U born?
Santa : In Tiruvanantapuram.
Teacher : Spell it?
Santa : (after thinking) I think I was born in GOA.
WiFe: WhAt WoUlD YoU LiKe To Do ToDaY?

HuSbAnD : Im NoT SuRe. LeTs ThInK ...

WiFe : No, LeTs Do SoMeThInG ThAt YoU CaN Do, ToO.