jingle bells jingle

jingle bells jingle
Jingle bells Jingle bells what fun it is to wish our
friends a very merry christmas.

May, 03 2010     89 chars (1 sms)     2351 views       Christmas

more Christmas SMS Messages

1 X''mas Tree!

1 Lakh Candles!

1 Crore Baloons!

1 Million Stars!

1 Billion Wishes!
1 Hearty Prayer!

Sending you my Advanced
Xmas & New Year Wishes.
May your world be filled with warmth and good chear this
Holy season, and throughout the year.Wish your christmas
be filled with peace and love. Merry X-mas.
May this Christmas

bring Peace and Joy

for All.

Happy Christmas

Bells are ringing the wishes of christmas day the
flying snowflakes send my most sincere blessings to
you merry christmas.

Submited in : Christmas SMS

Characters : 130 | Sms Length : 1

Submitted By HumAyuN From Multan ( 03216307893 )
I am dreaming of white Christmas , with every christmas
card i write, May your days be merry and bright, and May
all your christmases be white.Marry Christmas.
Lets welcome the year which is fresh
Lets welcome the year which is fresh and new,
Lets cherish each moment it beholds, Lets celebrate
this blissful New year. Merry X-mas
If one night a big fat man jumps in at your window, grabs
you and puts you in a sack don"t worry I told Santa I
Christmas is a time when everybody wants his past forgotten

and his present remembered. What I don"t like about
office Christmas parties is looking for a job the next day.
I wish U Lovely X-mas
I wish U Favorable "
I wish U Enjoyable "
U shall not Lack in this X-mas thy Lord shall provide to U! Merry X-Mas.

Two things upon this changing earth can neither change
nor end; the splendor of Christ"s humble birth, the love
of friend for friend.

Submited in : Christmas SMS

Characters : 142 | Sms Length : 1

Submitted By HumAyuN From Multan ( 03216307893 )
No Greeting Card To Give..

No Sweet Flowers To Send..

No Cute Graphics To Forward..

Jingle bells Jingle bells what fun it is to wish our
friends a very merry christmas.