Same Friend

Same Friend
Everyone has a friend

during each stage of life

But only lucky ones have

the same friend in all stages

of life.

Jan, 29 2015     115 chars (1 sms)     2502 views       Friendship

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Frendship is nt da thing 2 hold ur hand when thousands r wid u...!


it iis dat trust
which hold ur hand when thousandz r against u..!
Friendship is a 1 Way Road

to be Travelled by Two,

with Hand in Hand,

2 Care,

2 Share,

2 Forgive,

2 Love


2 Say Silently

"I''m Always with U"
Friendship is vast like Universe,
deep like Ocean, high like Sky,
strong like Iron, kind like Mother,
cute like Me, and sweet like U!
Any Friend Can Say: '''' I Can Understand Ur Feelings. . .''''
Only A Real/True Friend Will Say: ''''I Can Feel Ur Feeling. . .''''
Sabse intelligent koun: TUM
sabse smart koun: TUM
sabse strong koun: TUM
in sab me TUM se jyada koun: HUM
Lekin duniya me sabse acche dost kaun:
sur ha na taal ha
deekh mara kia haal ha
rang barangi is dunia main
tare dosti bay misaal hai
The Test Of Friendship Dosen''t Comes When U R 2gether.

It Comes When U Part Ways & U Realize That Despite

The Distance, The Friendship Is Still There...
I have open n emotional bank account in my heart.
Plz deposit ur FRIENDSHIP in it.
I make u sure that U will receive interest as long as I am live
6 rules to be HAPPY: Free your heart from hatred;
Free your mind from worries; Live simply; Expect less;
Give more & Always have ME as UR FRIEND
Dreams Are
Thoughts ...
You Don''t Have
Time To think
About During The Day
Small Anger
Silly Fights
Simple SMS''s
Serious Jokes
Sensitive Feelings
Senseless Speak
Million Sorrys

Mixture Of All The
Above Is Wh8 V Call
True friends are those who are there for you unconditionally. Never do they question, but always offer support no matter what the circumstances are. Best Friends are the people worth living for.