Mst ppl treat d
present momnts as if
it were an abstacle
th8 dey need 2
Since d present
momnt is LIFE itself
its an insane way 2
Gud a.m (=
I asked God to make u happy, make u smile, guide u safely
thru every mile;Grant u wealth, give u health & most of all
give u love & care.Good Morning Dear.
U''ve 2 Walk Ur Own Walk In Dis Lyf
n As U r Traveling Down Ur Road
Dun Luk Down @ Ur Feet, Keep Ur Head Up
n Ur Eyes Focused On d Road Dat Reachz Ur Golz
The sun had rised from the east & birds r singing happily &
butterflies R around the flowers. It is time to wake up &
give a big yawning & say gd morning to u..