Knock!Knock may I come into ur world I bing no flowers,
no gifts but wishes to keep u fresh, prayers to keep u
healthy and luv to keep u smilling. Gud Morning
when i woke up early morning birds were singing i asked them i m
missing a sweet voice in u a bird replied: u still havn"t said
good morning to taht sweet GooD MorninG sweet heart
Welcome the new morning with a "Smile on ur Face",
"Love in ur Heart", " Good Thoughts in ur Mind" & you will
hv a wonderful day. Wish you a lovely Morning
Wakeup & Wink those Teeny Weeny Eyes.Stretch those Inzy Winzy
Bones,Wear that Jolly Winning smile & tell urself today is a beautiful day...
G@@d M(:)rning....