Morning is a wonderful

Morning is a wonderful
Morning is a wonderful blessing. . .

Either sunny or stormy. . .

It stands for hope . . .

Giving us another start of what we call "Life"

hAvE A bLeSsEd MoRnInG

Jun, 08 2010     172 chars (2 sms)     2023 views       Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Laugh Ur Heart Out
Dance In d Rain
Cherish The Memories
Ignore d Pain
Love n Learn
Forget n Forgive
Remeber U''ve Only 1 Lyf To Live

Good Mornig .. :)
Worst thing in life? Someone has tears in eyes because of U.
And the best thing? Someone has tears in eyes for U.
Gud Day
Close ur eyes, Take a deep breath, Open ur arms wide,Feel ur
heartbeat, & Say " Its too early. Let me sleep again."
Sometimes Road Traveled

Turns Out To Be More

Beautiful Then

Destination Reached

Enjoy Leading Ur Life

No Matter What It Turns Out To be

Good Morning ... :)
Morning greetings doesn''t only mean saying Gd Morning, it has asilent message saying: I remember you when I wake up! Have a nice day!
Life never seems to be the way we want it,
but we live it the best way we can.There is no
perfect life, but we can fill it with perfect
Moments...Good morning!
A nEw DaY
a NeW sUn
MaKeS uS tO hAvE
a NeW rUn
CoMe OuT Of
YoUr DrEaMs
sEe ThE wOrLd OuTsIdE
wAiTiNg FoR yOu
As A nEw DaY hAs
AlReAdY bEgUn

GoOd MoRnInG (:
Dream a dream tonight as you sleep.
Smile a smile tomorrow that you may keep.
May all of your dreams and wishes come true.
Coz I couldn"t find a better friend like you!
Life is like a Book: Each day a new page with adventures
to experience, lessons to learn and good deeds to replicate.
Have a COLORFUL PAGE today. Good Morning
Words Spoken By Sum1 Sumtymz
Leads You To Different Skies Filled
Wid Delinquency Of Those
Moments Which Can B Cherished
Even In Desolation Of Life n Make
You Believe Those Moments
Would Return
1ce Again 2 Adore
To Fill Your Life Wid Colors Of Rainbow

G o_O d
M o R n I n G

Have A Worry Free Sunday (=
If ur eyes r sweet u wuld like all the people of the world but
if ur tongue is sweet all the people of the world will like u.
Gud Day.
Cheerful people are like Sunlight.They shine in to the corners
of the heart & offer bright mornings & fresh hopes....
**Good Morning** to one such person...