Eat Food

Eat Food
Best awarded words in london:

Eat yur food as your medicines. Otherwise you have to eat medicines as your food...

Nov, 05 2013     114 chars (1 sms)     2840 views       Quatations

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"A teacher is just like a ladder who stands at his place but helps other 2 go higher and higher"
"We Can''t Afford To Wait


The Strom Has Passed.

We Must Learn To Work
In Rain ..."

~ Peter Silas ~
I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep, I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion.
Alaxandar The Great

Life''s like riding a bicycle.

To keep your balance,

you must keep moving..
Hurt Leads To Bitterness

Bitterness To Anger

Travel Too Far That Road


The Way Is Lost ...
" True love brings up everything-you''re allowing a mirror to be held up to you daily"
Look Not Mournfully Into Past...
It Comes Not Again
Wisely Improve The Present
It''s Thine....
Go Forth To Meet The Shadowy Future
Widout Fear & Wid A Manly Heart .........
QuOtE oF tHe DaY:

"Excellence Comes When The Performer Takes Pride In Doing His Best."
"Love makes time pass away and time makes love pass away"
b like a candle
which burns itself bt gvs light to others
For every beauty there is an eye somewhere to see it.
For every truth there is an ear somewhere to hear it.
For every love there is a heart somewhere to receive it.
"Live Large!"
Don Pendleton (1927-1995)