I'm sending this bouquet

I'm sending this bouquet
I'm sending this bouquet of love To say that I love you so much I hope I say it often enough I want you to know it's true, On this special occasion I want to remind you That you are my everything And my love is true, Happy Anniversary Lover!

Apr, 26 2013     241 chars (2 sms)     2286 views       Anniversary

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Nothing in this world Could ever be
As wonderful as the Love You've given me
Your love makes my days so very bright,
Just knowing you're my darling wife(Husband).
Happy Anniversary
hr bichra howa panchi isi umeed pe aagaz-e-subah krta hy"mohsin"

k qismt mila dy gi ham-nsheen sy mujh ko groob-e-aftab sy pehly..!
William Shakespeare says...

Marriage is the Only War...

In which Both the Enemies Sleep
Together :):):)
Story Of Newton's Law:

A Cow Was Walking
Newton Stopped It.
It Stopped
He Found His 1st Law

He Gave A FORCE By Kicking
d Cow,
It Gave A Sound 'MA'
He Formulated d 2nd Law
"F = MA"

After Sometimes d Cow Gave
A Kick To Newton
Then He Formulated d 3rd law
I LOVE U are words just three, which mean so much on our ANNIVERSARY
So this is what i want to say, live in my heart n there 4 ever stay
Math tells us three of the tragic love stories.

Tangent lines who had one chance to meet and then parted forever.

Parallel lines who were never meant to meet.

And asymptotes who can get closer and closer but will never be together.

Who says maths is boring?!?:-)
When ALLAH gives us ‘NO’ for an answer Keep in mind that there is a much great...er ‘YES’ behind it. His ‘NO’ is not a ‘REJECTION’, But a ‘REDIRECTION’ ?
Lets welcome the year which is fresh and new,Lets cherish
each moment it beholds, Lets celebrate this blissful
New year. Merry X-mas.
That special day is here again The day we took our vows You"re just as special to me today As you still get me aroused. Happy Anniversary Lover.
Jaha yad na aye wo tanhai kis kam ki,
Bigde rishte na bane to khudai kis kam ki,
Beshak apni manzil tk jana h,
Par jaha se apne na dikhe wo uchai kis kaam ki...
Long after our anniversary
this greeting has been thrown away
Think of the thought behind it,
Each and everyday,
Happy Anniversary
Agr tm kisi naik orat ko janchna chate ho K..
Wo naik serat hai ya nehi, To...
Srf itna pta kro k Wo...

Star plus tou nahi dekhti. :-D