it feels nice to miss you..
So i m missing you...
it feelts nice to think about you..
So i m thinking about you...
it feels nice to disturb you...
So i m disturbing you...
it feels nice to love u..
God gave u 2 legs to walk,
2 hands to hold,
2 ears to hear,
2 eyes to see.
But why did he give u only 1 Heart?
Probably bcoz he wants u to look for the other.
If you wanna know how much i miss you, try to catch the raindrops, the ones you catch is how much you miss me, and the ones you miss is how much I MISS YOU... N.B I LOVE YOU TOO.
What Makes A Frindship Special Is The Way Each One Remembers The Other When They Are Apart. They Miss The Talks, The Laughs N The Time They Spent Together. Life Changes, Memories Don''t.
I Miss U.