You Were A Revelation
The Day I Saw You Standing
In The Distance
Your Hands Held Tight The Balcony
An Overcast Look Adorned Your Face
And For The Second Time In My Life
I Needed To Hold You
And Oh, How I Wanted To.
Forgive Me.
few months ago i closed my eyes nd saw u in my dreams
i saw how carin n luvin u were a few days before
if dis is the way to c u close to me
then i wish my eyes would close forever......
if 100% peoples loves u then i am 1 of them. If 99% peoples loves u then i am among those 1% who loves u. But if the day comes when 100% peoples hates u then b sure that i am dead.
kiya zaruri hay kay mein nay jisay chaha tha kabhi
agli duniya bhi meray piyar ko us ka paye
kiya zruri hay jo dharka na kabhi meray liye
agli rut mein bhi mera dil usay pathar paye