When you love someone truly,
you don’t look for faults,
you don’t look for answers,
you don’t look for mistakes.
Instead, you fight the mistakes,
you accept the faults
overlook the excuses
They say everything happens for a reason, im left here still trying to figure out the reason you came and left so fast...
it was totally pointless, im just left here completely heartbroken. . . :(
When I say I love you,
It doesn’t mean just 3 words of love,
It means I care for you,
I trust u,
I believe you,
I miss you,
Love sometimes changes some moment
And sometimes WHOLE LIFE...;->
god knows the value of heart
so he created love.
He knows the value of nights
so he created dreams.
He knows the value of friend
so he created you.
[email protected]