Disaapointment are like

Disaapointment are like
Disaapointment are like road hump,
they slow you down a bit but you enjoy....
the smooth road afterwards.....
Dont stay on the humps too long. MOVE ON

Jun, 19 2010     154 chars (1 sms)     2032 views       Decent

more Decent SMS Messages

Do U Want To See The Gift That God Gave Me?

Where Are You Searching....

Just Look At The Mirror,Its U My Dear Friend...!
Lyf May Sumtymz b A Rough Road 2 Walk On
Whr Evrything Seemz Rong
Dun Giveup. Jst Go On Coz
Whn U Fink U r All Alone
Luk Bck & U''ll Find Me Walkin Along ... :)
BeCaUsE oF yOu !
I bElIeVe In Me
YoU''vE bRoUgHt,
A lIgHt InTo Me
BeCaUsE oF yOu !
My HeArT nO lOnGeR
yOu TaUgHt Me HoW
tO lOvE n To Be LoVeD
BeCaUsE oF yOu !
I m No LoNgEr ScArEd
I fEeL bRaNd NeW
eAcH dAy, As I gO
tHrOuGh EaCh HoUr
BeCaUsE oF yOu !
I''vE nO dOuBtS
yOuR fRiEnDsHiP gUiDeS
mE iN aLl Go ThRoUgH
ThNx It''S aLl BeCaUsE
oF yOu .. :)
Never say gud bye 2 sum1 who luvs u..
Never say thanx who really needs u..
Never blame a person who really trusts u..
Never 4get a person who think u as LIFE
In Life

Future Is A Question Paper,

Past Is a News Paper


Present Is An Answer Paper !!!


Read , Learn & Write Carefully.

Bas Aik Dua Hai Meri Apnay Khuda Say
Agah Rakhay Har Pal Mujhay Apni Saza Say
Mit''ti Hai To Mit Jaye Ye Hasti Meri
Par Dil Na Dukhay Kisi Ka Meri Waja Say
Talk Happiness
Talk Faith
Talk Health
Say You Are Well
And All Is well With You
And GOD Shall Hear Your Words
And Make Them True
sweet is your nature.dear is your name.close to my heart u wil always.as earth want water.flower want dew. i want nothing but happines for u..
You can fool all of the people all of the time if the advertising is right and the budget is big enough
The first gush of chilly winds!

The familiar anticipation of long walks!

cold nose, numb feet, warm breaths!

The fog!

The vermillion tree leaves!
Oranges, Coffee, Friends!

"The best is yet to come"

Thats the message winters bear..

So make lasting memories..!

Happy January !
While I m lying in bed I
think about U
I know how V all r
growing up
Struggling to make
a place in the ''big big
How 1 day V r gonna
get busy wid Our lives
I just want U to know
I m scared to lose U, I
don''t want U to
I want U to be around
I want U to stay beside
I want U to make me
laugh n smile 4ever
just like U''ve always
U''ll remain special to me
4ever n ever n U r 1
of those Friends I
won''t ever 4get (=
Moon said to me, if ur friend is not messaging u why dont you leave ur friend.I looked at moon and said does ur sky ever leave u when u dont shine.