Smiles Are Like

Smiles Are Like
Smiles Are Like
They Fly From
Face To Face
May Ur Lip Give Them
A Better Nest
So That They Can
Stay There Forever

Wish U Smile Forever ........ :->

Jun, 19 2010     167 chars (2 sms)     2132 views       Decent

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Never break 4 things in your life:







when they break they don''t make noise


pains A LOT...
Plant the seed of desire in your mind
it forms
a nucleus with power to attract to itself......
everything needed for its full-fill-ment....
Teacher:Correct the sentence "A bull & a cow is grazzing in the field"

Student:A cow & a bull is grazzing in the field.

Teacher:What is this ?

Student:Ladies First
Life is cricket
Dont lose ur wicket
Try 2 get century
Never 4get ur boundry
Even if u r run out
Never become mood out
BeCoz GoD Is 3Rd umpire..... :->
''Beautiful Advice
Ager Dukhon Ka Darya Uboor Karna Hai To Ansoun Ko Jazb Karne Ka Tareeqa Seekho

Duniya Ko Jeetna Chahte Ho To Awaz Main Narmi Paida Karo''
Whtz Gr8er Thn
Mother''z Love ?

Whch Pillow Is Betta Thn
Luvd One''s Lap ?

Whtz Warmer Thn
Father''z Hug ?

Whtz Sweeter Thn
A Baby''z Kiss ?

Whoze Company Is Betta Thn
A Frnd''z Company ?

Whtz Tastier Thn
Our Mother''z Coooking ?

There r Sumthings In Lyf
Which Have No Substitude ... (=
1)Eat Ur Words
2)Swallow Urpride
3)Digetst The Teaching Of God
4)Elimintae The Ego
5)For Desserts; Indulge In Prayer & Meditation
There r two things u can do after waking up in the morning....

Go back to sleep and continue ur dream...

Get up and chase ur dream...
If You Can Kill

Your Desire On One

Particular Day,

Then Note It In Your

Diary! As You Have

Entered The

World Of

Greatness That Day!
When the door of happiness closes, another opens; but often times we look so long at the closed door that we dont see which one has been opened for us..
The Wrong Kind Of
People Dislike You
For The Good In You


The Right Kind Of
People Like You
Knowing Even
The Bad In You ...

That''s Make A Good
Relationship .. !!!
Never say gud bye 2 sum1 who luvs u..
Never say thanx who really needs u..
Never blame a person who really trusts u..
Never 4get a person who think u as LIFE