Feelings r many

Feelings r many
Feelings r many but words r few,
Clouds r dark but sky is blue,
Luv is a paper,
Life is glue,
Every thing is false,
Only my luv is true.

Jun, 19 2010     142 chars (1 sms)     2097 views       Decent

more Decent SMS Messages

Corporate Lessons.....
"We Will Do It"
"U Will Do It."
"U Have Done A Great Job"
"More Work Will Be Given To U."
"We R A Team"
"I Am Not The Only One To Be Blamed."
"That Is A Good Question"
"I Do Not Know Anything About It."
"All The Best "
"U R In Trouble." :)
HeateD Go|d BeCoMes OrNamEnT

BeaTeD CoPpeR BeCoMeS WiRe



ThE MoRePaIn U GeT In LyF

MoRe Va|ueAb|e U BeCoMe....
Jab Tak Chiragh Na Jaley Shaheedon Ke Laho Se..

Kehte Hain Ke Jannat Main Chiraghan Nahi Hota.. !!

The nicest place to be is in the THOUGHTS of someone &
The safest place to be is in someones PRAYERS... (:
One of the best messages
i''ve ever received.

Life is beautiful*...









*Conditions apply.
Excluding all taxes :)
Happiness is like a Radio station
It wil b Broadcasting all time
U just hav 2 learn how 2 tune in and recieve it properly. . . . .!
You Can

Have Money

Pilled To

The Ceiling

But The

Size Of


Funeral Is

Still Going

To Depand

On The

W e a t h e r . . . ;->
"I am not a palmist to tell U where UR paths will lead U..
I am not an astrologist to tell U if UR stars will be lucky enough for U..
I am not even gud enough to take UR burden 0ver my shoulders..
I can make a Wish for U..
A simple Wish that..
May Allah lead U to the best path..
May He bless U with the luckiest stars..
May He guide U,
protect U n help U through everything.. *Ameen*
Only for u
Are we frnds or
Are we not?

You told me once,but i forgot.

So tell me now
and tell me true,

so i can say,
I am here for u.

Of all the frnds
I hav evr met,

u r the one
I’ll nevr forget.

And if i die..
before you do,

I’ll go to heaven
AND wait for U!
U neVer gEt a pErsOn oF uR tYpe In this WoRld..

You will either have to Adjust
u will have to ComprOmiSe..!

U Adjust when Someone wanTs t0 be with u..

U compRomIse when u waNt t0 be with s0Meone... ;->
Heart Is Not A Dust Bin

To Dump All Worries,


It Is The Place For Keeping

Happiest Moments..

Let Ur Heart Be Happy Always.
"L a u g h t e r
I s
T h e
S u n
T h a t
D r i v e s
W i n t e r
F r o m
T h e
H u m a n
F a c e .. " (=

~Victor Hugo~