mai ne chaha k apk

mai ne chaha k apk
mai ne chaha k apko EID pe kuch pesh karoo.
jis mai tabinda sitaro ki chamak shamil ho.
jis mai guzre lamhat ki tasvere ho.
jis mai anjan jazeron ki mehak shamil ho

Jun, 18 2010     168 chars (2 sms)     2189 views       Eid Mubarak

more Eid Mubarak SMS Messages

Wish you a very happy and peaceful Eid.
May Allah accept your good deeds,
forgive your transgressions and
ease the suffering of all peoples around the globe.
Eid Mubarik !!
may this eid brings lots of happiness
4 u n ur family (Ameen)
Tumhari namaz, Roza aur qurbani
sirf aur sirf allah he k liye hai !!!
Magar yeh bhi yad rakho khaal sirf mutehda ki hai
Jaanwar Kitne Saal K Ho to Us Ki Qurbani Jaiz Ho Gi?

>Ount (camel) 5 Saal K,
>Gaaye (cow) 2 Saal Ki,
>Bakra ya Bakri 1 Saal Ki
>Dunba ya Bhair K 6 Mahinea K Bacha Agar itna Bara Ho K Door Se Dikhne ME 1 Saal K Lage To Us Ki Qurbani Jaiz He.

(Durrea Mukhtar, Baharea Shari''at J/15, P/86)
For Those jo CHAND nikelnay ka besabri se intzaar ker rahay
hain .. give yourselves a rest ..
kiun k mera ajj gher se nikelnay ka koi
iradaa nahi hai ! ! !
for those.
jo CHAND niklnay ka be-sabri say Intizar kar rahay hain....
Give urselves a rest...........
mera aaj ghar sey nilkalney ka koi irada nai hai!!!;-:)>
Do you know the Meaning of EID?
I think it means "ENJOY in DUNIYA!!"
So, In your life all moments bring EID for you....
The moon has been sighted
The samoosas are ready
Here comes EID so just go steady
Lots of dua"s is all i request
and just wanted to wish you all the BEST!!!
"Eid Mubarak"
BakRa TaLAsH KaR kaR k THaK GaYa HoOn "PaPpU"
PhIr KisI Ne aWaZ laGaI:

TmHari NaMaZ,

RoZa AUr Qurbani Sirf AUr Sirf ALLAH He K lIyE Hai !!!

MaGar YeH Bhi YaD RaKhO KhAaL sIrF MuTeHdA Ki HaI... =P ;->
MuThEdA (:
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Kindly open it....

( EID (
) & )
( Prosperous )
( New Year )
The moon has been sighted
The samoosas are ready
Here comes EID so just go steady
Lots of dua"s is all i request
and just wanted to wish you all the BEST!!!
"Eid Mubarak"