PaIn Of MisSinG FrIeNdS iSn''T tHiEr aBsEnCe . . .
ItS WhEn U ThInK oF ThE gOOd TyMs u HaVe ShaReD & U aSk UrSeLf
"WiLl ThOsE mOmEnTs eVeR hApPeN aGaIn"
ThAt''s FrIeNdsHiP
ur accused of crawlin'' in 2 my life,
& hijacking my smiles with ur cute SMS''s
U r found guilty n so u r sentenced
to b my friend 4 life!
No bail.......
Dost ek saahil hai tufaano ke liye,
Dost ek aaina hai armaano ke liye,
Dost ek mehfil hai anjaano ke liye,
Dosti ek khawaahish hai aap jaise dost ko paane ke liye
Im not your friend if...
You whould rather keep quiet when you really waana talk!
Im not your friend if...
You hesitate to ask me to stay back when you think we should be together!
Im not your friend if...You take too much tine to tell me what i mean to you!
Am i ur friend???
A smile can take u milez..!!!