ThE iMpOrTaNcE oF
gOoD aNd SiNcErE fRiEnDs
In OuR lIvEs Is LiKe
ThE iMpOrTaNcE oF hEaRtBeAtS !
ThEy ArE nOt ViSiBlE,
ThEy SiLeNtLy SuPpOrT oUr LiFe... [=
Friends are like mirror You see yourself in it and Come to know about your good and bad qualities. It encourages you for good deeds and removes your bad qualities Always respect your friends
Karo karam ya sitam gila hum nahi karte,
pathro pe yakinan phul khila nahi karte,
mita do humko dil se magar ye khyal rahe,
hum jaise yaar jaldi mila nahi karte.
In my dreams, we were never apart.
in my dreams you kept me close.
in my dreams you loved me the most.
in my dreams we''re always togather,
might as well be dreaming forever