If friends were flowers I would not pick you!I?ll let you
grow in the garden & cultivate you with love and care so
I can keep you as a friend 4ever!! ....
FrIeNsHiP iS Da OnLy ReLaTiOnShIp ThAt wE cAn "ChOoSe". . .
A tRuE fReNd iS SoMeOnE WhO sTaNdS bY u iNtHe DaRkEsT hOuR
"dOn''T wOrRy I aM hErE ! !"
Sometimes I Want To Shout
To The World
"How Lucky I m To Have You As My Friend"
Sometimes I Want To Hush ...
Afraid That
"Somebody Might Take You Away From Me"
I Can''t Find A Reason
Why God Gave U To Me,
But That Is Not The Question To Be Asked; MAY BE THE QUESTION Is How Did God Knew That
i knocked at heaven"s door,Allah asked wat can i do 4 u .i said
plz protect,save & bless this one is reading this msg.ALLAH smiled
& replied "GRANTED".
If you are alone, I’ll be your shoulder; if you want to cry, I’ll be your shoulder; if you want a hug, I’ll be your pillow; if you need to be happpy, I’ll be your smile… but anytime you need a friend, I’ll just be me.