A Friend Is Someone

A Friend Is Someone
A Friend Is Someone Who

Knows The Song

In Your Heart

And Can Sing It Back

To You When You Have

Forgotten The Words.

Jun, 16 2010     131 chars (1 sms)     2240 views       Friendship

more Friendship SMS Messages

If friends were flowers I would not pick you!I?ll let you
grow in the garden & cultivate you with love and care so
I can keep you as a friend 4ever!! ....

FrIeNsHiP iS Da OnLy ReLaTiOnShIp ThAt wE cAn "ChOoSe". . .
A tRuE fReNd iS SoMeOnE WhO sTaNdS bY u iNtHe DaRkEsT hOuR
"dOn''T wOrRy I aM hErE ! !"
Sometimes I Want To Shout
To The World
"How Lucky I m To Have You As My Friend"
Sometimes I Want To Hush ...
Afraid That
"Somebody Might Take You Away From Me"
I Can''t Find A Reason
Why God Gave U To Me,
But That Is Not The Question To Be Asked; MAY BE THE QUESTION Is How Did God Knew That
The base of fridndship relationship is the beleive, if u have no beleive on friend then its not ur real friendship its only time pass

WhO iS a TrUe AnD gReAt FrIeNd?

OnE wHo aTtEnDs ThE WaItInG CalL oF A fRiEnD wHeN LoVeR Is in ThE LiNe.
Karo ge yaad to haar baat yaad aye ge

Guzarte waqat ke her moj thehar jaye ge

Talash karo ge jo humse bather doost koi

Nigha door tak jak

Wapis loot aye ge
i knocked at heaven"s door,Allah asked wat can i do 4 u .i said
plz protect,save & bless this one is reading this msg.ALLAH smiled
& replied "GRANTED".
wo aaya tha mehfil me magar shoq se nhe
wo pas to betha tha magar dil se nh
kon kehta hai use piyar nh tha
piyar to tha maga afsos mujh se nh....
Secret Of Friendship
Isn’t Finding A Perfect Friend But Loving Imperfect Friend Perfectly
True Friendship Doesn’t Have Any Ending
It Simply Never Ends
If you are alone, I’ll be your shoulder; if you want to cry, I’ll be your shoulder; if you want a hug, I’ll be your pillow; if you need to be happpy, I’ll be your smile… but anytime you need a friend, I’ll just be me.
Friends Shud Like "ZEROs"

When U Try To Add, Subtrct, Multiply
They Are Same


When U Try To Divide They Become "INFINITY" :)