A successful man

A successful man
A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks that others throw at him. Good Luck!

Jun, 16 2010     107 chars (1 sms)     2025 views       Good Luck

more Good Luck SMS Messages

Little keys open big locks
Simple words reflect great thoughts
Your smile can cure heart blocks
So keep on smiling it rocks
Fly in the plane of Ambition
Fly in the plane of Ambition & Land in the Airport of Success...Luck is
yours,Wish is mine...May Ur future always shine...Good Luck
To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also
dream, not only plan but also believe. Best wishes for your
examation is garden success is folower god bless you power
to pluck this flower.
Fly in the plane of Ambition & Land in the Airport of Success...
Luck is yours,Wish is mine...May Ur future always

shine...Good Luck
Every bad situation will have something positive...
Even a stopped Clock is correct twice a day...Think of
this & lead ur life....Good LUCK....
Every sunset gives us one day
Every sunset gives us one day less to live! But every sunrise give us,
one day more to hope! So, hope for the best. Good Day & Good Luck!
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MåY iT WåSh
åWåY åLL üR
Tröüblés,Tèñsìöns & kèép
Dua ki $urat Mein $ab ki Khatir
Jo meray Honton say Lafz Niklay

Jo meri Ankhon $ay Ashk Niklay
Unhi k badlay mein ay "ALLAH"

Jub bhe $ab ka Naseeb likhna
Urooj Likhna
Kamal Likhna
Kabhi na Harf-e-Zawal Likhna

Khu$hian Likhna or sabki member$ ki Umr-e-Draz Likhna
Genuine success comes only to those who are ready for it.
Good Luck
WHAT is "DUA"?

"D"- DIL se nikli hui awaz jo aap ko har din sachi KHUSHI de.

"U"- UDASI aap ke QAREEB se bhi na guzre.

"A"- Aap hamesha khush Rahe.
The HOPE, The STRUGGLE and The HARD WORK towards a goal/ success is part
of the rewards. Achieving goal itself is not the whole reward...... ..