Don''t Cry For Anything

Don''t Cry For Anything
Don''t Cry For Anything Because Tears In Our Eyes Will Spoil The Vision & We Can''t See Our Goal Clearly. So Always Smile And Accept The Things For Good Future. . .

Jun, 15 2010     165 chars (2 sms)     11201 views       Inspirational

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Aaj Se 60 Saal Pehle.

Eik Qoom Ko Eik Mulk Ki Talash Thi.

Allah K Karam Se.
Aj Jub Hamare Pas Mulk Ha To Hamain Eik Qoom Ki Talash Ha.
Think Abt That
Expect more from yourself than from

others because expectation from others hurts a lot

while expectation from yourself inspires a lot
The moment of enlightenment is when a person''s dreams of possibilities become images of probabilities
A Bird Sitting On A Branch Doesn''t Get

Frightend By D Shaking Branch Coz D Bird

Trusts Not D Branch But Its Own Wings.

Trust Urself Alwz


Diappointments are like road humps,
they slow you down a bit but you enjoy the smooth road afterwards.
Don''t stay on the humps too long. Move on !!!!!!
God is the great Architect of life

& He has a great plan for us.

But we r still the carpenters

and we should construct our life

according to His plan.
Hold faithfulness and sincerity as first principles.

Then no friends would not be like yourself (all friends would be as loyal as yourself).

If you make a mistake, do not be afraid to correct it.
The little plans I tried to carry
Have failed
O'' Dear God.
But, I will not sorrow
I will pause a little while
And try again tomorrow.

Anushree Karnani
LiFe Is TrAvElLeD OnLi OnCe..2dAy''s MoMeNt BeCuMs 2mOrOw''S MeMoRy...EnJoY EvRy MoMeNt..No MaTtEr GoOd Or bAd ....CoZ D gIfT Of LiFe Is LiFe ItSeLf!!!
A Mistake
Increase Ur
Decrease Ur
Mistakes ...
You Learn
From Ur
Other Will
Learn From Ur
Success ...

"SUCCESSFUL" Always ... :)
Whenever U r In
Conflict Wit Someone,
There''s One Factor
That Can Make The
Difference Between
Damaging Ur
Relationship &
Deepening It.
The Factor Is