Nothin Is Worth

Nothin Is Worth
Nothin Is Worth More han This Day
U Can''t Relive Yesterday . .
Tommorow Is Still Beyond Ur Reach . . .
So Go Ahead Live Today . . B''coz It''ll Never Come Tommorow. .

Jun, 15 2010     171 chars (2 sms)     2063 views       Inspirational

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To Be
Your Best
To Do
Your Best ...
Its Hard To Open Your Eyes If Your Dreams Are Sweet

But Sometimes,

I Must To Wake Up Because

It''s The Only Reasonable

Way To See Reality ..
Luck is not in your hand
Work is in your hand;
Luck never makes your work
Work can make your luck.
So always trust in yourself..
Choose to love
rather than hate

Choose to smile
rather than frown

Choose to build
rather than destroy

Choose to persevere
rather than quit

Choose to praise
rather than gossip

Choose to heal
rather than wound

Choose to give
rather than take

Choose to act
rather than delay

Choose to forgive
rather than curse

Choose to pray
rather than despair . . .
"World Is Not A Parking Place,

It Is A Racing Track
Keep On Moving.

No Matter When & Where You Start

But Reach Your Goal & Make New Records.
Two Things Indicate WEAKNESS..
One To Be Silent When It Is Proper Time To Speak..
Second To Speak When It Is Proper Time To Be Silent.
HaPpInEsS iS tO c

ThE wOrLd In A gRaIn Of SaNd


HeAvEn In A wIlD fLoWeR

tO hOlD iNfInItY iN tHe PaLm Of Ur HaNd


EtErNiTy In A sInGlE hOuR ...
There are two ways of meeting difficulties: you alter the difficulties,
you alter yourself to meet them.
If Someone Points Out
Your Mistake ,

Be Happy That

At least Someone Is

Interested In

''''What You Have Done ...'''' (:

Real Success Comes
In Small Portions , Day By Day

You Need To Take Pleasure
In Lyf''s Daily Little Treasures

Its The Most Impotant Thing In
Measuring Success
Greatness is not in where we stand,

but in what direction we are moving.

We must sail sometimes with the wind

and sometimes against it-

but we must sail and not drift,

nor lie at anchor.
""When you and I meet,
And Greet-
Even if, to part;
To meet again,
Further down the Hall!

And that, you see,
Is just that!
