Nothin Is Worth

Nothin Is Worth
Nothin Is Worth More han This Day
U Can''t Relive Yesterday . .
Tommorow Is Still Beyond Ur Reach . . .
So Go Ahead Live Today . . B''coz It''ll Never Come Tommorow. .

Jun, 15 2010     171 chars (2 sms)     1999 views       Inspirational

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Attitude is a Little thing

which makes a big diffrence like..

I am not the best,

but I am not like the rest.
If We Have No Peace,

It Is Because We

Have Forgotten That

We Belong To Each Other.

~Mother Teresa~
Do not be afraid to shine,
This world needs what you have to give.

Open up the areas of your being;
Expose them to yourself - to others.

You are valuable. You are unique.

You have much to give.
Do not be afraid to give it.
Efforts May Fail,

But Don''t Fail To Make Efforts,

Great Things Always Come Late,

Believe In Yourself.

There Is No Shortcut To Success
Even Though, I Clutch
My Blanket n Growl
When The Alarm Rings
Thank You ALLAH, That
I Can Hear
There Are Many
Who Are Deaf ...

Even Though I Keep My
Eyes Closed Against
The Morning Light As
Long As Possible
Thank You ALLAH
That I Can See
Many Are Blind

Even Though, I Huddle In
My Bed n Put Off
Thank You ALLAH
That I''ve The Strenght
To Rise
There Are Many
Who Are Bedridden

Thanks ALLAH For
Blessings ...
You Will Never Change Your Life Untill You Change Something You Do Daily. . . The Secret Of Your Success Is Found In Your Daily Routine. . .
Kind Words Dont Cause
They Nvr Blister The
Tongue Or Lips
They Make Othr Ppl
Good-Natures They
Also Produce Their
Own Image On Men''s
Soul & A Beautiful 1 :)
"The real truth is this: The whole world is joy. Heaven is a festival all year long. Of all lies, the greatest falsehood is melancholy."
Never Argue Wid A Fool B.

Cuz First Of All He Will Bring U Down To His Level


Then Will Beat U Wid His Experiences
If you follow no other truth, follow the truth that within your being is called joy. If you follow that, you''re always going to be right where you need to be, and you will always have life within your being.
Having someone who understands is a great blessing for ourselves. Being someone who understands is a great blessing to others.
I believe for every drop of rain that falls, a flower grows,
I believe that someone in the great somewhere, hears every word,
every time I hear a new born baby cry or touch a leaf or see the sky ......
then I know WHY I BELIEVE..