Just a thought

Just a thought
Just a thought
That you need to host.
Never fear at all
What you fear the most.

Attack fears head on.
Do not avoid, nor swerve.
For it will only restrict
What you deserve.

The risk of hurt
Is just a game of chance.
If you fear the music
You will never dance.

If failure has given you
Bitter taste and tears,
Remember, God loves your faith,
Satan loves your fears.

Jun, 15 2010     385 chars (3 sms)     2178 views       Inspirational

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He Ws Prayin N Waitin4sum1 To Rescue Him

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Ws Left Of It.He Ws So Angry,

He Said,"God,

Y Hav U Done Dis2me?!

"D Next Morning,Rescuers Came.

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They Replied,"V Saw A Smoke Signal!"

Trust God Whn Misfortune Happens,

His Plans R Always Greater Than Ours.
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A Life With Risk

Will Have Some Thorns ,


Life Without Risk

Will Have No Roses
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You can either scream everytime you hit a bump
You can throw your hands up in the air and enjoy it ... (:
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the same brightness.

Its not the matter of ur position,but its ur ability
that actually shines.
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you alter yourself to meet them.
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Is To Change Ur Own ...


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