
Live purely. Be quiet.
Do your work with mastery.
Like the moon, come out
from behind the clouds!

Jun, 15 2010     119 chars (1 sms)     2043 views       Inspirational

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Those Who Appear
In Your Life
Wether To Help Or
To Harm You Are
All Given By GOD
Meet All Of Them With
A Peaceful Heart But
With A Warrior''s Spirit
You''ll Fail Many Times
In Failing You''ll Learn
And In Learning You''ll
Find Your Way.
Remember There Are
No Mistakes In Life
Only Lessons &
Lessons Will Keep
Repeating Themselves On
Until Learned ... (:
Dere''s A Luxury In
Whn V Blame
V Feel Dath No One Else
Has A Rite 2 Blame Us.
Its d Confession, Not
The Priest, Dat Gives
Us Absoluti
Remember !!

Work For A Cause
Not For Applause

Live Life To Express
Not To Impress

Don''t Strive To Make
our Presence Noticed

Just Make Your
Absence Felt ...
If your success is not on your own terms, if it looks good to the world but does not feel good in your heart, it is not success at all.
success is nothing more than a few simple DISCIPLINES practiced daily. and failure is nothing more than a few small errors repeated daily.
""When you and I meet,
And Greet-
Even if, to part;
To meet again,
Further down the Hall!

And that, you see,
Is just that!

When God Drops Needles
And Pins Along Your Path In Life,
Don''t Avoid Them.
Pick Them Up And Collect Them.
They Were Designed
To Teach You To Be Stronger!
Nobody grows old merely by living a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals. Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.
You don’t develop courage by being happy in your relationships everyday. You develop it by surviving difficult times and challenging adversity.
Forget your own
happiness by trying
to create a little
happiness for the
others ...

When you are good to
You are best to
yourself ... :)
God is the great Architect of life

& He has a great plan for us.

But we r still the carpenters

and we should construct our life

according to His plan.
Do not be afraid to shine,
This world needs what you have to give.

Open up the areas of your being;
Expose them to yourself - to others.

You are valuable. You are unique.

You have much to give.
Do not be afraid to give it