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A Successful Person And Others

Is Not A Lack Of Strength

Not A Lack Of Knowledge


Rather a Lack In Will ...

Jun, 15 2010     149 chars (1 sms)     1886 views       Inspirational

more Inspirational SMS Messages

~.~ S t r a n g e ~.~

A boy & A girl
Can be just Friend
At one point or anothr
One of them will fall for the other,
May be temporarily,
May be at wrong time,
May be too late,
Just may be
... Forever ... =O
If You Look At What You Do Not Have In Life,
You Don''t Have Anything,
If You Look At What You Have In Life,
You Have Everything.
Heart in champions has to do with the depth of your motivation and how well your mind and body react to pressure.
God Has Created The Heavens With Constellations
Like Pearls On A Dark Steed.
The Light Ov The Sun Hides Them In The Day
All The Knowledge Of Them Is Divined In The Darkness Of night . . .
LiFe Is LiKe

RiDinG BiCycLe . . .

YoU dOn''T FaLl oFf

UnLeSs YoU sToP PeDdLiNg . . .
Life never leaves u empty.

It always replaces everythng u lost!

If it asks u 2 put something down, it''s bcoz it wants u to pick up something better.

Gud Day! empty.

It always replaces everythng u lost!

If it asks u 2 put something down, it''s bcoz it wants u to pick up something better.

Gud Day!
Lead such a life, that, when you die, the people may mourn you, and while you are alive they long for your company.

Success means doing the best we can with what we have. Success is the doing, not the getting; in the trying, not the triumph. Success is a personal standard, reaching for the highest that is in us, becoming all that we can be.
To Be Sure Of Hitting Only The Target..
Shoot First,
And Whatever You Hit..
Call It The Target.!
Think Different
The Winners Of Life''s
Game Aren''t Those
Who Have Never
Tasted Failure
Those Who Have
Tasted Failure Again
And Again but
Never Give Up ...
Ishk qatil Se B,
Mqtool Se Hmdrdi B

Bta Kis Se Muhabat Ki Jaza Mange Ga?

Sajda Khaliq Ko B,
Iblees Se Yarana B,

Hashr Me Kis Se Aqidat Ka Sila Mange Ga....??
Watch Your Thoughts; They Become Words.

Watch Your Words; They Become Actions.

Watch Your Actions; They Become Habits.

Watch Your Habits; They Become Character.

Watch Your Character; It Becomes Your Destiny.