Do 3 Things In Life

Do 3 Things In Life
Do 3 Things In Life




LIE ...

DRINK 4rm The Fountain Of Knowledge

STEAL Away 4rm Bad Company


LIE On The Bed Of Success (:

Jun, 15 2010     162 chars (2 sms)     1920 views       Inspirational

more Inspirational SMS Messages

Secret of success
Sir, " What is the secret of your success?" a reporter asked a bank President.

"Two words."

"And, Sir, what are they?"

"Right decisions."

"And how do you make right decisions?"

"One word.''

"And, sir, What is that?"

"Experience. "

"And how do you get Experience?"

"Two words"

"And, Sir, what are they?"

"Wrong decisions ."
"The Unfortunate Thing About

This World Is That The

Good Habits

Are Much Easier To Give Up

Than The Bad Ones"
ThE sEcReT oF sUcCeSs Is ClEaR

iTs SiMpLe AnD tRuE

iTs NoT iN dOiNg WhAt YoU lIkE


LiKiNg WhAt YoU dO ... =)
YoUr VisIoN
WiLl bEcOmE cLeaR oNlY
yOu cAn LoOk iNtO
yOuR OwN hEaRt .
WhO lOoKs oUtsIdE,
wHo LoOkS iNsIdE
aWaKeNs ...
Success .....

Is neither magical nor mysterious . . .

Success is the natural consequence of consistently

Applying the basic fundamentals . . .

Alwayz In People

Who Go Through



You Learn

What Is "L.i.f.e" ...
One Day Ur Dreams Will Come True. . . One Day Ur Presence Shall Be Precious. . . One Day You''ll Be The Happiest Person In This World And That Day May Be Today . . . .

Never Loose Hope. . . :)
Courage Is Like Love,Both Of Them Are Driven By Hope.

I Still Believe In Hope - Mostly Because There''s No Such Place As Fingers Crossed.
Everybody Tells,
Mistake Is D 1st Step Of Success
Bt It Is Not True.
"The Correction Of Mistake"
Is The First Step Of Success
"You may believe that you are responsible for what you do, but not for what you think. The truth is that you are responsible for what you think, because it is only at this level that you can exercise choice. What you do comes from what you think."
An Arrow Can Be Shot

Only By Pulling It


So Whenever Life Pulls U


Dont Worry.

It''s Going 2 Lead

U Forward To Victory.
A boy was drowning in a river and he shouted for help. A man passing by jumped in the river and saved the boy’s life. As the man was leaving the boy said, “Thank you.”
The man asked, “For what?” The boy replied, “For saving my life.”
The man looked into the boy’s eyes and said, “Son, make sure when you grow up that your life was worth saving.”