They Do Tomorrow''s

They Do Tomorrow''s
They Do Tomorrow''s Work Today...

They Do
Today''s Work Today...

Failures:They Do Yesterday''s Work Today-


Jun, 15 2010     155 chars (1 sms)     1705 views       Inspirational

more Inspirational SMS Messages

Some People Are Making Such Thorough Plans

For Rainy Days That They Aren''t Enjoying Today''s Sunshine.

-- William Feather
Decide Carefully

"What You Want In
Life ...!!!"

Then Work Like

To Make Sure
You Get It ... !!!
The secret of health for both mind and body
is not to mourn for the past,
not to worry about the future,
nor to anticipate troubles,
but to live in the present
moment wisely and earnestly.

The Size Of Candles
May Differ But They
Yield The Same
Its Not The Matter Of
Your Position, Nut Your
Ability That SHINES ... (=
I don''t know what your destiny will be, but one thing I do know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve.
After a time u will find that "having" is not so pleasing a thing as "wanting".
Its not logical , but after all true..
A mud pot filled wid Milk will alwayz rank higher than a Gold pot filled wid POISON...
Its not our outer glamour but our inner virtues that make us VALUABLE!
Self Respect

Can Be

A Extension

Of Your



Priceless Virtue . . .
life survives on change,
so instead of avoiding it,
take every change as challenge,
either it will give u success
or teach u how to successed..
People are not remembered by how few times they fail but by how often they succeed. Every wrong step is another step forward
Winners Are Struck


Not Destroyed

We All Have Had

Setbacks In Life

Failing Doesn''t Mean

We Are Failures ...
We Should Be Taught Not To Wait
For Inspiration To Start A Thing . . .
Action Always Generates Inspration
Inspiration Seldom Generates Action . . .