Every Success

Every Success
Every Success
Makes You Grow
It Teaches You Wh8
To Do
Every Failure Makes
You Stronger
It Also Teaches You
Wh8 Not To Do...

Jun, 14 2010     160 chars (1 sms)     1987 views       Inspirational

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Life Never Leaves U
It Always Replaces
Evrything U Lost
If It Asks U To Put
Sumthing Down,
It''s B''coz
It Wants U To
Pick Up Sumthing
Better ...
The Man

Who Views

The World

At 50

The Same

As He Did

At 20

Has Wasted

30 Years Of His Life.
''L i f e''
Is not an
''i - P o d''
To listen your
Favorite Songs

It''s a
''R a d i o''
You must
''A d j u s t''
Yourself to enjoy,
Whatever comes in it...
In life whn u face choices,
just toss a coin,
not coz it settles d question
While d coin is in air u''ll knw wh8 ur heart really desires for.. (=

Success consists in being successful, not in having potential for success. Any wide piece of ground is the potential site of a palace, but there''s no palace till it''s built.
Don''t Accept Others
Definition Of Life..
Its Your Life,
Define It Yourself, The
Way U Love It To Be,
Be Yourself B''coz
none Knows About You
Better Than You ...
It is not because things are difficult that
we do not dare,

it is because
we do not dare that they are difficult.
HaPpInEsS iS tO

sEe tHe WoRld iN a GrAiN oF sAnD


HeAvEn in WiLd FlOwEr

To HoLd InFiNiTy In ThE PaLm Of ur hAnD


EteRniTy in a SiNgLe hoUr ... [:
kuch khoney ka gham hee asal mein hamarey dar kee wajah banta hai,

issi liye auo aur tamam ghamon ko apni khushiyon mein badlein aur sabit kar dein k

"dar k aagey jeet hai"
Each Of Us Makes Our

Own Weather

Determines The Color Of

The Skies In The

Emotional Universe

Which We Inhabit ...
Winners Are Struck


Not Destroyed

We All Have Had

Setbacks In Life

Failing Doesn''t Mean

We Are Failures ...
The Single finger

which wipes out our tears

during our FAILURES

is much better than the 10 fingers

which come 2gether

to clap for our VICTORY.

Value it